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Retired osteopathic physician; developer, with my wife, of Xlear (R) nasal wash with xylitol, which optimizes our own nasal cleaning and eliminates many of the problems arising from the nose, both allergic and infectious; author of The Boids and the Bees: Guiding Adaptation to Improve our Health, Healthcare, Schools, and Society, and, No More Allergies, Asthma, or Sinus Infections, which tells the story of why xylitol works so well when it's sprayed into the nose.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 25, 2012 For the New Year or Mayan New Age try Seeing Differently
Albert Einstein told us that we could not solve our problems on the same level of thinking we were on when we created them. Moving to this new level means we have to see differently. Here is part of what this means.
SHARE Wednesday, November 28, 2012 Learning from the Iroquois
Despite their voting clout women still seem to be ignored in the seats of power. The Iroquois had a better solution for empowering women than just the vote. Maybe we should learn.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 13, 2012 Partisan politics on a larger scale.
Partisan politics reflect differences that are archetypal in scope and we need to see these election choices as an argument for which evolutionary force you see as most needed today.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 2, 2012 What we are not looking at with Autism.
Autism is more than just a genetic anomaly. It has been described as the result of some disturbance in development. Facial recognition is a problem in all autistic children and there are many elements on our lives that can interfere. We need to look at them.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 29, 2012 Healthcare, The Affordability Care Act And It's Future.
accountable care organizations, a part of the ACA, can stimulate new thinking about illness that can make us all healthier. But we don't really have to wait.
SHARE Friday, September 7, 2012 Saving Medicare: A bipartisan compromise
Medicare is well liked, helps the elderly, but is increasingly expensive and in the long term unaffordable. Saving it is possible, but not without changing it. The ideas in the article are fleshed out in our book, The Boids and the Bees: Guiding Adaptation to Improve our Health, Healthcare, Schools, and Society.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, June 1, 2012 Saving our Health Care: Look to the Roots
Fixing our healthcare has been a top down effort that has not worked. Fixing the roots may be more helpful, but it takes thinking differently. How to do this is spelled out in our book, The Boids and the Bees: Guiding Adaptation to Improve our Health, Healthcare, Schools, and Society.