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Clare Crawford-Mason was the producer of the NBC documentary, "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" which reported on Deming's work in Japan and the co-author of Quality or Else: The Revolution in World Business, Thinking About Quality: Management, Wisdom and the Deming Philosophy, and The Nun and the Bureaucrat: How They Found an Unlikely Cure for America's Sick Hospitals, and numerous other documentaries on better management.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, June 1, 2012 American Government Global Achievement Overlooked
With government agencies currently under fire, their contributions over the last 150 years, are overlooked. Specifically, putting agricultural agents in every county in America to help farmers continually improve their methods to produce better and better crops, ultimately lead to the Japanese economic miracle after WWII and prosperity for some American schools, hospitals, service businesses and manufacturers, including Ford.