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I am the editor of www.PDRBoston.org and www.NewDemocracyWorld.org, the author of No Rich and No Poor: The Populist Goal We CAN and Must Win, Divide and Rule: The "Left vs. Right" Trap, The People as Enemy: The Leaders' Hidden Agenda in World War II, the co-author of On the Public Agenda, a (now retired) Senior Research Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health with many medical journal publications about HIV treatment clinical trials, a veteran of the 1960's anti-Vietnam War movement, father of three boys and resident of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
(17 comments) SHARE Monday, October 16, 2017 Why U.S. Billionaires Could Destroy the Israel Lobby, But Don't
This articled refutes the notion that the non-Jewish rulers of the United States are forced against their will by the Israel lobby to have a pro-Israel foreign policy. It shows that the entire U.S. ruling plutocracy has its own very rational (though immoral) reason for supporting Israel. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 14, 2017 Free Will: Why the Ruling Class Wants Us to Think It's an Illusion, and Why It's Not
This article refutes the idea that free will is just an illusion. It also explains why newspapers and magazines (controlled by the ruling class) are promoting the "free will is an illusion" idea. And it shows that the premise underlying the "free will is an illusion" idea has no scientific basis and rests entirely on faith. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 14, 2017 What Do "White Supremacists" Believe?
This article is about the fact that white supremacist leaders with a very racist aim (and with great contempt for ordinary white people) use a non-racist idea to recruit working class whites. Knowing this is what makes it possible to defeat the white nationalist leaders. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(17 comments) SHARE Friday, October 13, 2017 The Capitalist Big Lie about Human Nature
This article refutes the notion that human behavior causes people to act mainly out of self-interest. This false idea is what apologists for capitalism rely upon, by claiming that capitalism is the only system that accepts greed as natural but turns it towards benefiting society, via Adam Smith's famous "Invisible Hand."
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 11, 2017 U.S. Constitution: Help or Hindrance?
This article refutes the notion that the U.S. Constitution is a good document and that if only it were really obeyed by our politicians things would be much better. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Here's How the Ruling Class USES the Left
This article is about why good people are not winning the fight to make our society more equal and democratic. The reason is that our leaders--the Left--have a very different agenda, based on a very wrong and negative view of ordinary people. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 8, 2017 Guns and the Working Class
This article is about why the working class needs guns, not mainly to hunt or protect against crime, and not to defeat the 82nd Airborne Division. Why then? To demonstrate sufficient determination--in fighting to remove the plutocracy from power--to persuade the many members of the military forces (most of whom support that goal) to refuse orders to attack the revolutionaries and even use their weapons to help them win. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 7, 2017 The U.S. Armed the Soviet Union During the 'Cold War'
This article exposes the "Cold War" against the Soviet Union as a Big Lie. United States corporate and government rulers, far from fearing the Soviet Union, armed it from its 1917 revolution straight through the Cold War including the Korean and Vietnam war. Why? Because the Communists were useful to America's rulers: they were a bogeyman enemy to frighten Americans into accepting the warmongering military-industrial complex.
(18 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 30, 2017 Why Cooperative Businesses Are Not the Answer
This article refutes the notion that we can create a society no longer dominated by the rich if we just create more and more cooperative businesses. Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(49 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Beware of the Universal Basic Income
This article is about how the ruling class is using the Universal Basic Income idea to stigmatize a good idea (economic equality) as a bad idea (freeloading). Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 12, 2017 How the Ruling Class Uses the Abortion Issue to Divide-and-Rule
The Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life debate on abortion has been framed by the ruling class to be maximally divisive; it's time for progressives to break out of this divide-and-rule trap.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Abolish Class Inequality
This article explains why we should start calling for the abolition of class inequality Series: No Rich and No Poor (12 Articles, 20722 views)