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I am an artist (oil paintings) who regularly attends OCCUPY SANTA FE rallies. I have 3 Scottish Terrorists (one of whom is a recent adoptee). To see pictures of my artwork go to SantaFe.com and once the page loads, enter my name. I am in the process of moving back to Connecticut. During the Carter Administration I was PRESS SECRETARY/DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS for THE DNC. I quit the party shortly thereafter and am a ardent supporter of Rocky ANDERSON
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 (14 comments) SHARE DNC TRYING TO SILENCE over 3,000,000 NEW YORKERS?
The DNC's most recent attempt to lock out Bernie Sanders supporters.
The first debate the DNC has scheduled comes after it is too late for New Yorkers to change their party registration in time to vote in the 2016 presidential primary.