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Rachel Eliasi-Kohan

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Rachel Eliassi-Kohan is an American professor and thinker. Her cultural backgrounds, deeply rooted in her Persian heritage, is Jewish-Moslem-Christian-Zoroastrian. Her life-long aspiration is to envisage a just world where peace prevails for all nations, especially the three countries which she holds dearly close to her heart: Iran, The U.S. and Israel.

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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Lingering U.S. Dilemma over Iraq..., and now Iran ?! The author aspires to envisage a better world where the US and the West settle their scores with the Middle Eastern countries albeit IRAN through transparent, mutually respected, and no precondition negotiations, rather than resorting to rhetoric, political sloganeering and patronizing special interest lobbying group.

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