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B. Sidney Smith

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B. Sidney Smith is a recovering math professor, gardener, and creative loafer living near Appomattox, Virginia. His autobio, curriculum vitae, favorite recipes, and much more besides can be found on his website, bsidneysmith.com.


OpEd News Member for 649 week(s) and 1 day(s)

5 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 28 Comments, 1 Diaries, 0 Polls

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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 5, 2012
All the Bunnies in the Meadow Die When it comes to human population collapse, only two questions remain: when will it start, and how many of us will die? This is the defining issue of our time.
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(40 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 26, 2012
Voting Green in a Swing State If I murdered Santa Claus in front of their children, the look on my Obama-voter friends' faces could scarcely be much different than the look they get when I say I am voting for Jill Stein. You see, I live in Virginia...
(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 18, 2012
Land of Elites The vast majority of Americans face a harsh truth. The wealth of the nation they themselves built has been plundered, their government has turned on them, and their lives are poor, powerless, and without prospects. Any who doubt this need only glance at the numbers. But careful, this glance will leave you shaken, and very angry.
(49 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 6, 2012
Voting For, Voting Against Can you vote? Will you vote? Will it matter? People argue over whom to vote for on the assumption they can actually exercise meaningful franchise. I sincerely wish they could. Here's why they can't.
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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Why I Don't Watch TV Americans watch 4 to 6 hours of commercial entertainment every day. The country is a virtual factory farm of consumers. Here is how one writer accounts for his decision to commit the fundamental act of rebellion: hitting the off button.

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