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(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 21, 2007 Comment on "Paper-based voting Systems Winning Supporters"
As a mathematician who earned tenure at a respected Pennsylvania institution of higher learning and who has discussed with many thoughtful, intelligent, world-class scientists and computer scientists the merits and demerits of electronic voting, I am insulted and appalled by Michael Shamos'ad hominem attacks on opponents of electronic voting.
SHARE Friday, December 8, 2006 Election Integrity News
We have completed phase one of our November 2006
exit poll project, but we still need funding to
complete our data collection and analysis. We need
continuing funding to raise public awareness of
election vulnerability and fraud. And we need to
raise funds now and to develop the tools with which
we can verify the integrity of elections moving
forward, especially in the 2008 US Presidential Election.