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(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 24, 2016 Why Donald Trump for President?
The American people are facing total, near-term extinction, and The Donald is the only person in-sight who might be able to save them!
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, February 23, 2015 What is 'the US Economy?' Where will it be Tomorrow? - Herbert Salit
Author notes that 'the US Economy' is a 'Potemkin,' fake, a top-down distribution-scheme, where the 'money' is just created in a vast electronic 'printing-press' by The Federal Reserve, thanks to the absurd holdover fact that The Yankee Dollar remains the world's international reserve currency - i.e. the whole world remains 'The-Dollar-Zone.'
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 15, 2015 Humankind's Goal for 2015 and Beyond - Herbert Salit
Far-reaching, intelligent, long-term plan to be implemented immediately, so that the majority of Humankind can permanently throw-off the yoke of Western Capitalist imperialism, and forge the world's first true global civilization.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 15, 2015 The Dragon-in-the-Room: The Inexorable Rise of 'Four-to-One' China - Herbert Salit
The world is changing in fundamental ways as Western empire-states lose their 500-year-long grip on the planet, and uplifting societies, comprising most of our species, become 'the main countries,' none more so than 'Four-to-One' China, the soon-to-emerge 'sole superpower' of the planet.
(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 13, 2012 Roots of Evil: Capitalism
"All Western societies are based on large-scale oppression and systematic theft, much of that dependent on the use of, and the threat of the use of, force, that is, armed robbery." So, why all the fuss and worry about the decline of the West?