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Nandinee Kutty is and economist and a public policy consultant. She has a Ph.D. in economics from the Maxwell School, Syracuse University. She served as a faculty member at Cornell University for seven years, where she taught courses on policy analysis and economics. She has published numerous scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals of economics and public policy. She lives in the Washington, DC area.
SHARE Monday, April 21, 2008 Fair, Green, Smart ®-Housing in the 21st Century
On Earth Day 2008, I propose a housing policy for the 21st century based on the triple principles of Fair, Green, and Smart. Fair refers to fair housing, and a pro-active enforcement of the principle of non-discrimination in housing markets. Green refers to deliberate efforts to protect the environment. Smart refers to adopting principles of smart growth such as using space efficiently.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 5, 2008 Has America Overcome Segregation?
This article examines the question whether America has overcome residential segregation. African Americans continue to face very high levels of segregation in many U.S. cities and suburbs. Latino-white segregation appears to be growing in recent times. U.S. public schools are re-segregating to alarming levels. The article offers compelling arguments why we must overcome segregation.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 21, 2008 New Book on Race and Economic Opportunity in America Resonates with Barack Obama Speech-"A More Perfect Union"
This article juxtaposes the Barack Obama "A More Perfect Union" speech with excerpts from a book on race and economic opportunity, Segregation: The Rising Costs for America (Routledge 2008). The speech and the book resonate with each other, with the book amplifying some of the points Obama made. The book was published last month.