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Jack Carney

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Brief Bio.: Dr. Carney is a retired social worker with nearly 50 years of experience in social work, with thirty-five of those years spent in the public mental health system . He is an Alinsky-trained community organizer, Institute-trained in Bowen Family Systems theory, and trained in Linehan's Dialectical Behavior Therapy. He received his MSW from UCLA in 1969 and his DSW from CUNY in 1991. He currently lives in the Adirondacks in northern NY State with his wife4 and their two cats and is actively involved in promoting passage of the NY Health Act, NY's single-payer healthcare bill.


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Apex Predator (Explored), From FlickrPhotos
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 24, 2015
Fear & Hate: Seeds of Violence & Mass Murder This article is divided into three parts. Part I provides an historical overview of the American culture of fear and violence that has pervaded the country and comprises the toxic sea in which fear blooms and mass murderers and terrorists swim. Part II discusses three key issues -- guns & violence; police violence & militarization; and white supremacy. Part III concludes with "Music to March To" for a movement of change.
Haystacks, From FlickrPhotos
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 27, 2015
Identifying the Next School Shooter Before He Shoots: Needle In a Haystack A provocative article which attempts to determine the characteristics of the next school shooter. Relying on the theories of American sociologist, Mark Granovetter, about collective human behaviors, the author rejects the "crazy loner" shooter profile popularized by the mass media and concludes that a prospective shooter in this era of fear and violence is any young white man with access to the internet and a gun.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Traitor to My Race --The Abolition of White Privilege: Part III - Personal Transformation The third and final part of this series, which details the personal life experiences, what the author terms his "education", which transformed over the last fifty years of his life into a fierce opponent of white supremacy and privilege and a fervent advocate for their abolition. At the article's conclusion, he urges all like-minded adherents of abolition to join in reaching out to those of their unreconciled white countrymen.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Jim Crow Re-Visited: Part II of Traitor to My Race: The Abolition of White Privilege From the end of Reconstruction in 1876 until present times, Jim Crow was instituted and has adversely impacted the lives of Black men and women and their children in both the North and the South. By the early part of the new century, as many Black men were under criminal justice supervision as had been slaves in 1860. This second of three articles outlines how this occurred and what has been and can be done to address it.
Our never-ending Civil War., From ImagesAttr
(16 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 6, 2015
Origins: Bred In the Bone: Part I of Traitor to My Race: The Abolition of White Privilege The first in a series if three articles, this article locates the origins of white supremacy and white privilege and their centrality to the self-identity of white Americans in the U.S. Constitution's definition of a citizen -- i.e., as a white, 21 year old male, who owned property. indeed, the Constitution's three-fifths clause identified a black slave as equivalent to only three-fifths of a white man, presumably his owner.

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