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Gianni Ortiz is a Commercial and Residential Realtor, specializing in green redevelopment. Among other avocations, she is a journalist who focuses on farm to plate, political, impeachment and independent media issues and writes for several magazines on environmental, political and social justice issues.Also, a strong believer that the more people we get on the
phones, writing letters and showing up the more functional our democracy is and that the internet is the last stand for free and truly democratic conversation and citizen activity and we need to keep it that way.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Agribusiness shows its true colors!
For over a year, the big Agribusiness trade organizations have supported passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act.From their perspective,the bill was a win-win.But when the Senators agreed to include the Tester-Hagan amendment in the bill,to exempt small-scale direct-marketing producers from some of the most burdensome provisions, Agribusiness revealed its true colors.20 Agribusiness trade organizations now oppose S.510.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Federal Department of Justice is taking over NY State's Board of Elections
It is clear that Bush & Co.Inc,has deemed Rudy Giuliani the chosen one to whom they will pass the baton and who will reliably further their agenda. Polls show Rudy has a snow ball's chance in Florida to win New York, even against Hillary. So,how can they 'take' NY?Enter hackable, programmable,corruptible, non traceable,electronic voting machines, with a track record of travesty from coast to coast.Don't think it can happen?