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Patrick Walker is co-founder of Revolt Against Plutocracy (RAP) and the Bernie or Bust movement it spawned. Before that, he cut his activist teeth with the anti-fracking and Occupy Scranton PA movements.
No longer with RAP, he wields his pen and his activist network to wage holy war for climate justice. Hoping to help build a counterculture of revolt, he also writes quirky, highly literate song lyrics for the rising indie band God's Comics.
A happily married man for over 10 years, Patrick has lost his beloved wife Ginger to colon cancer. He resides with his ineffably charming Sheltie dog Jasmine in East Amherst, NY.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Tyrant Trump Is the 2nd Amendment's Covert Hell-Spawned Enemy
A controversial piece, proportionate in daring to the threat of fascism facing us. I argue that if the 2nd Amendment has ANY (dubiously) claimed value as a tyranny deterrent, CONDITIONALLY threatening to assassinate Trump must be legally protected free speech. Which puts Trump supporters in a horrid bind, since to defend "2A", they must also defend anti-Trump speech they hate. Making Trump a big covert danger to the 2A cause! Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Announcing Biden's Worst Nightmare: the "Justified Outrage" Movement
The exciting climax of my "Tracts for Our Times" series--naming the mysterious movement I've been sketching all along and unraveling the mystery of such a SEEMINGLY bizarre strategy as "vulgar satyagraha."
(18 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 15, 2020 Joe Biden Is God's Chosen--Target for Revolt!
Just as the nineteenth century Oxford Movement--above all Catholic saint John Henry Newman--composed the influential, historically important religious "Tracts for Our Times," I now feel I (without having planned it) am doing the same thing politically. Though short, this particular tract is deeply important, since it plumbs the depths of my motivating political faith. Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(61 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 10, 2020 "Shithole Election 2020": Choosing the Lesser Tyranny
This article details--and justifies--the type of no-holds-barred rhetoric needed to resist Joe Biden AFTER voting for him. But what's more, in making the arguments justifying that rhetoric, it's probably--starting with its title--the most brutally honest analysis of the 2020 U.S. election you'll ever read. Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(34 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 2, 2020 Greenwald's Bombshell, the GND, and Democrat Extortion
I wrote this UNPLANNED piece in a hurry, seeking to exploit the timeliness of Glenn Greenwald's brilliant reporting on a new U.S. "pandemic"--one of suicidal despair. Here I take Greenwald's insight one step further, explaining how he unwittingly makes the best imaginable case for a peaceful Green New Deal. Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(15 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 26, 2020 The Staff of Satyagraha: A Movement of Movements
An exercise in "visionary radical realism," this piece lays out a bold, unprecedented sketch for how America's major movements can escape their "issue silos" and unite in a common effort to effectively press their demands. It justifies their need for such a common truth-telling "satyagraha" movement by their facing the common enemy of a relentless political and media propaganda machine shielding Biden and Democrats. Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(23 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 20, 2020 The New Satyagraha: Progressives' Leverage under LOTE
As the theoretical explanation and justification for what resistance under Biden MUST look like to succeed, this is probably my most important piece. It might seem really "outside the box," but given the stakes (saving civilization) and the long odds (successfully pressuring Democrats AFTER electing them), it seems just what the doctor (Dr. King, a deep admirer of Gandhi?) ordered. Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(13 comments) SHARE Friday, August 14, 2020 Facing Glenn Greenwald's Daunting Challenge: Leverage under LOTE
A timely follow-up to my last piece explaining the HUGE advantages of branding Biden "the lesser of two ENEMIES," this article explains why we must split the difference on LOTE voting between Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky, voting for Biden but making up the leverage lost by yielding our votes with unprecedented "fighting words." Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(34 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 11, 2020 "Lesser of Two ENEMIES" Perfectly Describes Biden
I try to solve a conundrum Glenn Greenwald poses in response to Noam Chomsky. Namely, how do we vote for lesser-evil Democrats while derailing their smug ploy to EXTORT our votes by merely "not being Trump"? Series: Tracts for Our Times (9 Articles, 13179 views)
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Democrats' "Resistance" Has Sabotaged Proper HATRED of Trump
Years ago, my OEN article, "Frankly, Koch Brothers Deserve the Death Penalty", resonated deeply with readers and became by far my most popular OEN piece. Now--in VASTLY more desperate political circumstances--I've written an oh-so-timely piece that I feel, in my soul-of-souls, deserves an even better fate. PLEASE read this purposely apocalyptic call to arms, SHARE it widely, and vote accordingly!
(71 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 6, 2020 "You Felt the Bern, Now Feel the Finger": Vote Biden 2020
Here's a novel, passionate case for lesser-evil voting you won't read anywhere else. Taking seriously the premise that today's U.S. is a failed state--with the disgusting electoral "choice" facing us as evidence--it draws the logical conclusion that we must choose the president under whom it will be safest to revolt. So, we must "choke back our vomit" and vote for Biden, recruiting for revolt via unfeigned, vocal disgust.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Hijacking the Impeachment Debate--for Climate's Sake
Unusual--in that it's content consists largely of an action proposal originally intended for United Church of Christ climate activists and an e-mail I sent to Noam Chomsky--this article is an urgent call for climate activists to hijack the current debate over Trump's impeachment. A debate where Democrats' chosen impeachment charge is a subtle form of propaganda trivializing both ecocide and humanity's climate emergency.
(11 comments) SHARE Friday, August 16, 2019 Exploiting Russiagate Coma, Democrats Raped Climate Movement
A ringing wake-up call to a climate movement rendered comatose by the conventional corporate media propaganda story of Russiagate, this piece identifies with greater insight than any other I know the immense harm Democrats' Russiagate narrative has done the climate movement. Unless the climate movement becomes as outraged as if Democrats had RAPED it, little hope remains for the US climate movement achieving anything useful.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, July 22, 2019 The Bipartisan BIG LIE: Trump's Climate Genocide Is Normal
This piece highlights a shocking truth: that US citizens live daily in the presence of a "big lie" as outrageous and dangerous as any told by Hitler and Goebbels. Namely, that Trump's assault on an imperiled climate is normal policy we can pass over in silence rather than an unprecedented crime against humanity. Unlike the Nazis' "big lie," this one is perpetrated by deafening bipartisan silence and not constant repetition.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, June 14, 2019 Green New Deal "Climate Kids" Should Hijack the Impeachment Conversation
Forged in the fire--sharpened by heated arguments with critics of my climate impeachment scheme--this piece is my comprehensive strategic case explaining why impeaching Trump for his climate crimes may be the key to saving the Green New Deal, and thereby civilization itself. All fans of the GND--especially heroic young climate activists--have a vital interest in reading my passionate arguments here.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, June 10, 2019 Seriously Want a Green New Deal? Demand Trump's Climate-Based Impeachment
Forcefully following up my controversial piece arguing for Trump's impeachment for climate terrorism, I here launch a bigger discussion: the crucial political advantages impeaching Trump for his beyond-criminal offers Green New Deal movement activists. I focus here on one incontestable advantage: willingness to impeach Trump for climate terrorism is an almost infallible CURRENT litmus test for serious GND support.
(10 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 2, 2019 Climate Terrorism: The Politically Farsighted Way to Impeach Trump
This article makes a highly original--and, needless to say, controversial--case not just for impeaching Trump, but for impeaching him on grounds of climate terrorism. While I can only hope against hope my piece will make as revolutionary a splash, my best analogy here is Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," whose timely, sensible ideas--amidst oligarch-controlled public opinion--seemed unthinkable heresy until he laid out the case.
(37 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Climate Enemy Biden: The Extinction Rebellion's Top Recruiter
This piece analyzes Joe Biden's presidential candidacy from a highly original angle: the extreme menace he poses to the Green New Deal and effective climate action. And perhaps the greater menace is not Biden's own deeply inadequate climate policy, but the considerable danger of him losing to climate terrorist Donald Trump. Indeed, the climate peril of Biden's nomination is the best reason to join Extinction Rebellion NOW.
(20 comments) SHARE Monday, May 13, 2019 Announcing Bernie or Bust 2.0: Electoral Warriors for the Green New Deal
While classified as an op-ed because of its heavy opinion component, this important article is also NEWS. The original Bernie or Bust, which provoked the hostile attention of major establishment critics like Bill Maher and Paul Krugman (and coverage in Rolling Stone), was clearly newsworthy. Its timely revival--to save the Green New Deal from dangerous establishment enemies like Joe Biden--should be front-page news.
(40 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 16, 2019 Venezuelan Coup Democrats Vomit on Green New Deal
Connecting important dots, this timely piece argues that no Democrats supporting Trump's indefensible, imperialist coup should be considered sincere supporters of a Green New Deal. And that two of our time's most important movements--Sunrise and the Poor People's Campaign--will fatally undermine their credibility and missions by not denouncing the Venezuelan coup, leaving planet-saving leftists no viable path forward.