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Thomas Bailey

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"There's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. ... We are one people."

I have been a Benedictine monk for 10 years at Marmion Abbey (Aurora, IL). I was ordained by Bishop Thomas Doran of the Diocese of Rockford 4 years ago (June 11, 2004). Since that time I have primarily worked in parish assistance in the local church and taught history courses (secular and ecclesiastical) in the school run by my community. Most recently I have taken a one year position at Conception Seminary College (Conception, MO) to teach history and to be the sophomore chaplain.
I recently wrote my first article "A Search for Equality: A View Through the Life of Brother James Blanford, OSB," which is currently being considered for publication. I also was recently granted faculties to celebrate the Byzantine Liturgy under the authority of the Romanian Catholic Eparchy of St. George (Canton, OH).

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