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Jill Stein

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Dr. Jill Stein is a mother, physician, longtime teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate.  Jill began to advocate for the environment as a human health issue in 1998 when she realized that politicians were simply not acting to protect children from the toxic threats emerging from current science. She offered her services to parents, teachers, community groups and a native Americans group seeking to protect their communities from toxic exposure.  Jill Stein won half a million votes as the Green Party’s presidential candidate in 2012. 


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Jill Stein with supporters, From FlickrPhotos
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 4, 2016
Recount Rally at Trump Tower, NYC, Monday, December 5th Trump's margin in PA drops significantly and his team desperately rushes to block recounts in PA, MI & WI. Jill Stein will host a rally/press conference outside Trump Tower on Monday, 12/5 at 10:00 am, vowing to fight tooth and nail to verify the accuracy, security, and fairness of the vote.Grassroots supporters have fueled her unprecedented mullti-state recount campaign, which quickly raised $7m from 150,000 donors.
Series: Activism (210 Articles, 504481 views), Election Integrity (68 Articles, 193491 views), Jill Stein (10 Articles, 28163 views) (View All Series)
(29 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Pardon Edward Snowden, now Edward Snowden's goal was to tell the truth about the government spying on all of us, and to create public and judicial pressure on the government to create real changes in the way things are done and to stop the trajectory towards a surveillance state.
Jill Stein, From FlickrPhotos
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 13, 2016
A Response to Russian Environmentalists War between the US and Russia is a horrifying prospect that would be disastrous for Americans, Russians, and the planet we share. Yet we seem headed down that dangerous path with the belligerent and hysterical anti-Russian rhetoric we now hear regularly from Clinton and her supporters, both Democrats and Republicans.
(25 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 7, 2016
It is undemocratic to exclude me and Gary Johnson from presidential debates As de facto leaders of their parties, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could be champions of democracy. Either (or both of them) could end the monopoly of the elitist Commission on Presidential Debates by demanding four-way debates in 2016. The question is simple: will Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump stand for open debates and American democracy, or not?
Jill Stein with supporters, From FlickrPhotos
(24 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 6, 2016
Transcript of Dr. Jill Stein's Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech at Green Party National Convention Thank you so much. This is what democracy looks like. This is what political revolution looks like.
Jill Stein, From FlickrPhotos
(24 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Jill Stein Response to Sanders' endorsement of Clinton I join millions of Americans who see Hillary Clinton's campaign as the opposite of what they and Bernie Sanders have fought for. Despite her penchant for flip flopping rhetoric, Hillary Clinton has spent decades consistently serving the causes of Wall Street, war and the Walmart economy.
From Images
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 8, 2013
Why I Granted Bradley Manning a Presidential Pardon As President of this Green Shadow Cabinet, I have the honor of pardoning Bradley Manning -- on behalf of the other America that recognizes him as a hero. My decision is at odds with the Obama administration, which has labeled Manning a traitorous criminal. But it's clear that Manning was defending the highest principles of democracy by exposing U.S. war crimes and State Department deception.

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