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R R Tanoli, is a student of Political Science with extensive research in comparative and developmental politics. He has carried out study tours in Khyber Agency (FATA) and monitored Operation Rah e Nijaat as part of the media team. He is an active member of Social Welfare Organization in his hometown with special emphasis on education. He is an innate passionate writer, researcher and a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.
SHARE Friday, September 13, 2013 Pity Our Beloved but Fractured State, Pakistan
The structural integrity of a state is based on four pillars. If a State is ranked 13th in the list of failed states,that is a reflection of its structural failure. Fissures in the pillars reduce their load-carrying capacity, stressing them to their limits and eventually causing a breakdown that deforms the entire structure. This can be the fate of our beloved country, Pakistan. We must do all in our power to avert it.
SHARE Tuesday, August 27, 2013 I'm sorry My Father!!!
Pakistan has a turbulent history since its inception. The most unfortunate thing that happened to Pakistan is the bulk of traitors always trying to denigrate the very existence of Pakistan.
SHARE Saturday, August 24, 2013 Human Security in the Muslim World
The credibility of the international actors in the Muslim world is already at stake for their unethical preemptive wars and renditions. Hypocrisy and double standards of western policymakers have always deceived us on the claim for democracy and human rights. Therefore, it is better for the Muslims to take the matter in their own hands now.