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Laurie Dobson is a writer, planner, mother, gardener, anti-war activist and caregiver who is FEC registered, running in the 2008 for the US Senate as an Independent Candidate in Maine.
She lives at the 'Old Cape Farm' in Kennebunkport, with her husband, youngest daughter, and the dogs, cat, ducks and chickens, where she recently hosted Camp Alex during the August Peace Rally which marched to the Bush Compound to Protest the Iraq War.
She has been active in the Democratic Party and served in 2004 as the Southern Vermont Volunteer Coordinator for the Kerry Campaign. She ran previously on an anti-war, FDR-style reconstruction policy in 2002 for State Rep. in CT.
For more information about Laurie and her "Campaign Declared for Conscience", and also to view her platform and to contribute, visit the campaign website: www.dobsonforsenate.com. There are blog postings on the site.
Her blog archives can be viewed at http://lauriedobson.blogspot.com. and also
She asks all Mainers to help her campaign and requests their vote this coming November!
Please lend your support by contacting the campaign at the website or by writing at the website or at:
Dobson for Senate
PO Box 7098
Cape Porpoise, ME 04014
or call at 207-967-0432
SHARE Friday, November 13, 2009 Put Obama on Notice Against Afghanistan Escalation
Put Obama on Notice Against Afghanistan Escalation
Open Letter to the President signed by key peace movement leaders
Request to everyone opposed to escalation to sign and send to the White House with name and state forwarded to author if desired.
(8 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 17, 2008 Impeachment or Bipartisanship?
Maine voters would be well advised to take another look at Senator Clinton, who is certainly more progressive in her health care plan and her approach to foreclosures than Senator Obama. At the very least, she offers the stability of a known quantity.