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Catherine Beale

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I never wanted to be a lawyer. But in 2010, when I found out that a local medical school was harassing and expelling Middle Eastern students and concocting stories designed to make people think they deserved it, I had to do something.

No one believed me when I told them what happened. No one thought a college would do this to its own students, over and over and over again.

They did. I know these students like they are my family. Some of them have lived in my house. They are decent, hard working, honest people who have been destroyed by this experience.

Expulsion is a stigma no one ever gets over. It is like being a convicted felon. It follows you for the rest of your life.

For some of these students, this was a death sentence. I learned that in 2009, one expelled student committed suicide because he was despondent and had no way ever to pay back the huge SallieMae loans he had taken out to pay for this expensive education.

Expelled. Just like that.

What is wrong with the people who work at this college?

Do they really think this is OK?


Tell me, how do these people sleep at night?

Fighting to defend these students is all I care about now. The first legal battles are under way. More will follow. They will win. But most important, the court of public opinion will show the world what terrible things the people at this college are capable of.

They must be stopped. They must pay for what they've done.

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