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Libertarian commentator/analyst and talk show host. Deep liberal roots flowering into a pretty good understanding of the world as it truly is. Guitarist/musician; son of a government worker; black sheep-of-the-family type guy who survived his wild, stupid youthful days to become humbler and wiser, married to a razor-sharp woman also of deep liberal roots, who catches most mistakes in my written work; father of 3, cares deeply about people, but none of this matters really.
The point of it all is, I cut through the crap to the real deal, at all levels, and I do it pretty darn well. What is "the real deal"? It's about what we want out of life for ourselves, and for others isn't it? We all want the best for people - we all want as many people as possible to live happier, healthier, and longer lives, right? We all want everyone to get a chance to reach their highest potential as human beings, don't we?
That's what I want, and now the crucial issue, the real debate, is simply - how, exactly, do we do that? That is what I mean by the real deal. I'll put my ideas and understandings, predictions, and recommendations up against anyone's, and we'll see what happens, eh?
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 31, 2008 Ron Paul right about Housing Bill
This housing bill is poison and will tear down our economy and destroy what's left of our financial privacy.
Ron Paul was right.
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 17, 2008 Personalization = Distraction
It's only human nature...but our tendency to dangerous distraction from the real systemic risks we face.
It's not about the people; it's about the system, and you can't fix the system just by changing the people who lead it.
SHARE Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Production v Reserves is the Key
This is my letter/article in response to a published Carl Henn letter which was in response to a published article by Roy Innis in the Washington Times concerning energy.
Got all that? Actually, I agree with most of what both men say - it's just that I felt there was a crucial aspect of the energy debate missing from the discussion.
I hope this energy thread will provoke interest and comment from all interested parties