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Andy Thibault is the author of the forthcoming more COOL JUSTICE, a second collection of hard-hitting essays credited with helping to free a woman unjustly convicted of first degree murder. Novelist Chandra Prasad calls Thibault “Connecticut’s premiere journalistic warrior.†Wally Lamb says: “Thibault is a junkyard dog for justice who bares his teeth at pomposity and institutional unfairness and only bites the truly deserving.†Thibault was honored by the Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information in 2014 with the Stephen Collins Award for his “many contributions to the cause of open and accountable government and a free and vigorous press.†His first collection, Law and Justice in Everyday Life, was published in 2002, featuring an introduction by Howard Zinn and foreword by F. Lee Bailey. Thibault is chairman emeritus of the Connecticut Young Writers Trust and has taught at Western Connecticut State University, the University of Hartford and Northwestern Connecticut Community College.