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Thomas Elliott

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You didn't really believe that ________ (Unicorns, Elves, Witches, Ghosts, etc) are just a myth, did you?

I know I'm in my own little world. It's OK. They know me here.

"And death is at your doorstep. And it will steal your innocence."

नमस्ते. You have been told simple tales, and they are delightful ones; but if you were not ready to learn the truth you would not have found me.

Deep thinker. Voracious reader. Natural aptitude for sarcasm (in a good-natured way...don't take it personally). Marches to a different drummer. Flirtatious (but shy), Meet an INTP. The greatest weakness of the introverted thinking type is in the area of extraverted feeling. I have difficulty in expressing my feelings, and when my feelings do come out, other people are not always comfortable with them. I give the appearance of lacking compassion, and am inclined to say things that others take as sarcastic or insulting. But I don't see them that way. I feel that I am just trying to be logical. I have a reputation for being self-contained, competent and even cold. But I have feelings, and plenty of them. It's just that they are deep down, hard for me to express, and delicate and easily hurt when they come out.

Dabbles in Ghost Hunting, and UFO studies. If you share any of my interests (i.e. reading, plotting the next revolution, transmuting lead to gold, etc) or just would like a sounding board and/or to exchange ideas, I would like to hear from you.

P.S. I know where the Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar really is, and I am not telling. ("Si vous aviez fait vos devoirs, vous comprendriez").

For a moment, or moments, it was as it had been in the beginning, before fear, before evil, before death, at the time of the creation, when the earth was new and living things flourished therein, where the earth was fair and all living things dwelt together as kindred. Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo. (Quetin ú quenyo.)

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."- Kurt Vonnegut

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