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Martin Blizard

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old / interest in politics sparked by Vietnam war and lies told by US govt. / same as it ever was / traveled world for 15 years / lived in 6 countries (was easy back then) inc. 2 years living in SF + hitching around USA. learnt Thai and spent eternity meditating in rice paddy village on Cambodian border (a wondrous Buddhist culture to be apart of till gobble-gobble'isation undermined their crop revenue & half the women had to go to the city to sell their bodies). while in Africa witnessed famine ridden women & children starving to death " the image never fades " decades have past but still this avoidable catastrophe continues " greed & power with no accountability are; as per usual, the great mother fu$kers. now? breathing freshest air on remote hillside in S.Tasmania - self sufficient as much as poss. & pausing many a pleasurable / life affirming hour to observe resident pair of eagles soar over valley below, with kangaroos hoping around on the ground. the simple pleasures win. may the 1% lose, for some sort of sanity to prevail.

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