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(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 1, 2008 9/11 - Six Years in the Making
This article shows what the FBI is redacting from recently declassified documents, and explains why they were redacted. In regards to the terror attacks of 9/11
(22 comments) SHARE Monday, January 7, 2008 Anthrax-The biggest smoking gun of all?
A terrorist act occured in the USA involving WMD and no one remembers it. And even more disturbing all the evidence points to the US Government as the culprit.
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 6, 2008 What caused the WTC building Collapse
NIST recently held a meeting to update progress on their report of the collapse of WTC 7. Two explanations were given. Which is more believable?
(12 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 5, 2008 The Real Reason the CIA Destroyed Interrogation Tapes
If the CIA had on tape that the President of the United States ordered the bosses of the prisoners accused of being involved in 9/11, to be let go within 48 hours of the event, you can bet the tape would be destroyed. Well, here's the proof.