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(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 20, 2016 China, through a glass, clearly
Dr Moti Nissani, Emeritus Professor at Wayne State University reviews CHINA RISING, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations, one of the most ambitious and comprehensive books on China in recent years, by an American expat who, having lived in China for 15 years, knows the country and language well.
(14 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 17, 2008 Reflections on the Presidential Races of Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul
That such an unabashed advocate of predatory capitalism as Dr. Ron Paul can successfully appeal to humanitarians speaks volumes for the sad, dysfunctional, state of American democracy and of the ideological chaos that afflicts the progressive camp.
SHARE Thursday, January 3, 2008 The Curbside Solution
The road to freedom and political literacy can begin with a single step: Trashing your television