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Cal Poly Pomona Sociology Professor. Author of "Globalization and the Demolition of Society," co-editor/author (with Peter Phillips) of "Impeach the President: the Case Against Bush and Cheney." National Steering Committee Member of the World Can't Wait.
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, October 14, 2013 The Dress Rehearsal and the Rolling Coup
Many people are entirely missing the extremity of the government lockdown, thinking that the GOP is committing political suicide. How political power isn't exercised through votes or popularity and why this situation should be viewed as a dress rehearsal and rolling coup.
(12 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 12, 2013 Reaping What You Sow: the Radical Right, Fascist Norms, and the Future
There are deep fractures dividing this country at the heart of this government shutdown. Why the GOP will get even more extreme and why this is the beginning of an extreme scenario unfolding.
SHARE Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Syria: Jubiliation is Unwarranted
Some in the anti-war movement have been celebrating "our" victory in "preventing a war." They are mistaking U.S. maneuvering prior to more escalation with peace moves. The war in Syria continues.
SHARE Sunday, September 15, 2013 Eugene Robinson on Syria, Obama and American Exceptionalism
WaPo's Eugene Robinson claims that Obama has the right to bomb Syria because America's "exceptional" and that Obama's proved his mettle by killing people with drones. What's that again?!
(8 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 14, 2013 The Trial of George Zimmerman and the Tribulations of Black People
They're letting him walk! The verdict: if you're young and black, you can be killed with impunity. While this verdict is not surprising, since this was the way it was looking from the way the trial was proceeding, this is an outrage. This system had to be forced to even charge Zimmerman by people's protests and this obscene decision must not go down without mass protest.
SHARE Tuesday, June 25, 2013 The NSA Spying Scandal and Improbable Cause
The NSA and Obama justify their ubiquitous, warrantless surveillance as necessary to fighting their "War on Terror." But overthrowing the 4th Amendment's standard of "probable cause" and using "improbable cause" by treating everyone everywhere as a suspect is as sensible as trying to solve a murder by having as your suspects the entire world's population.
(8 comments) SHARE Friday, June 14, 2013 Those Who Cry Treason
Whistleblowers Manning and Snowden are accused of treason. What is it that they have revealed to al-Qaeda that al-Qaeda didn't already know and couldn't have found out in the 1990s in 5 minutes of Google searching, including from the NSA's own website?
SHARE Friday, June 7, 2013 Why the US government is Spying on Everyone
Not only is Obama spying on all Americans, he's spying on foreigners abroad - in other words, on the world. Why is this going on and why has it increased since Bush?
SHARE Thursday, May 16, 2013 Obama Needs Congress to Close GTMO, but Not to Use Drones?
When the Senate finally held a hearing on drones, Obama refused to send a rep. He says he can't close GTMO because of Congress, yet he's killed thousands with drones without Congressional approval.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Droning Out Any Opposition
Rand Paul ends the filibuster of Brennan when Holder says POTUS wouldn't assassinate an American in America unless they're "engaged in combat." What does Holder mean by "engaged in combat"? An examination of gov't policy on this question reveals deeply distressing news.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 10, 2013 The Red Queen's in Charge: First the Sentence, Then the Verdict.
If Iran were using drones to kill Americans, what would US pundits and public officials be saying? What is the larger trajectory of momentous changes enacted under Democrats and Republicans that Obama's targeting people for murder by drone?
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 11, 2013 Zero Dark Thirty: Journalism? Art? Propaganda?
ZDT opens today in nationwide release on Gitmo's 11th anniversary. A close examination of Bigelow and Boal's defense of their film as apolitical and not endorsing of torture reveals amazing disengenuousness.
SHARE Friday, December 21, 2012 Zero Dark Thirty: Bigelow's "Civilized Lunch"
Zero Dark Thirty's director Bigelow defends against the charge that her film is an apologia for torture and specifically says bin Laden's courier's name was given up during a "civilized lunch." But, in fact, torture produced no useful intel at all.
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Two Confounding Items in the News Regarding the Murdering of Children
A U.S. military official recently announced that the U.S. military sometimes deliberately targets children for killing. This is, of course, entirely different from a lone, crazed, gunman such as Adam Lanza deliberately executing twenty children in their elementary school.