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At a time when this planet and its inhabitants do not appear to be working in synergy, causing serious imbalances and Global Warming, I offer a personal view of our current plight in a combination of personal experiences, science, religion and psychology.
If your questions are not getting answers from a single belief system, as previously mine did not, I hope my perspectives on life may stimulate further thought for you. I am a member of the human race and it is in this context that I offer my own observations on life as a possible contribution to our development – a right available to us all.
Born and bred in London, in addition to Wendy my partner of 10 years, and my children - Rob, Mike and Sue, I love Rugby, Motor Racing, Scuba Diving, Furniture Restoration, Books, Wine and Cooking Good Food.
SHARE Saturday, May 10, 2008 JOKES that make the Universe laugh
We check our physical health and have all sorts of gadgets for this purpose. But it is equally simple to check our mental/spiritual health by checking how much we laugh at ourselves and each other!
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 30, 2008 A World without Integrity - It can't go on!
The worldwide banking crisis, global warming, political and religious scepticism are evidence of a society suffering from the effects of materialism driven by unrelenting greed. It is leading us to the edge of destruction as a species - we need new leadership who care and understand that we must live in unity with the planet and not continually plunder it!
SHARE Wednesday, February 13, 2008 "CHANGE" - Should we be demanding more?!
Politicians are a part of the political machine, with traditional values and sponsors.
Real change comes from within, we are told, and so therefore there is a need to be very clear as to what is expected and what can be delivered, if frustration does not set in six months after election fever has died away.
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, February 4, 2008 If Bush is a Christian - is it the man or the Faith that is the problem?
To moderate the activity of the corporate sector, better manage this planet and each other,we need to find a new spirituality that creates a credibility we can respect, makes sense in this 21st century, and helps us reverses our current race to hell in a hand cart!
We also need to find leaders who understand this.
SHARE Friday, February 1, 2008 Multi-Nationals are getting bigger than Governments . . . OOPS!
The shift in power from democratically elected government to multinational corporations has caused us to view life from the single objective of profit.
Health suffers, the poor grow in number and mountains of debt accumulate. Our happiness is controlled by Stock Markets, blinding us to the impact upon the planet.
New leadership with greater understanding of who and what we are as a species could provide a solution.
SHARE Wednesday, January 30, 2008 Civilisation and the 21st Century - A Time of Reckoning
We need leadership that understands our species better, looking beneath the activity to the human condition that propels that activity, and can work to save us from the endless cycle of repeating the mistakes of the past. By looking more closely at how we operate they can take us away from the current abyss and into new territory that we have never travelled before – this is true change – this is true leadership.
(8 comments) SHARE Friday, January 18, 2008 Profit – A Greater and More Destructive Addiction than Heroin
At a time when the worlds financial markets are in a turmoil, the like of which we have never seen before, and trust between banks at its lowest point, the author offers a perspective on the cause of this dilemma.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 14, 2008 We keep shooting ourselves in the Foot!
As a civilisation we are lurching ever closer to the abyss and seem oblivious to the fact that our political, corporate and traditional beliefs are taking us there.
If we are able to tackle this fundamental issue, the opportunity presents us with an ability to make a vast leap forward as a species.
We need new leadership that understands who and what we are and how we need to relate to the planet if we are to survive.