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Our top priority must be to realize non-violently Article 3 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those of the First World population have realized Article 3 for themselves and reciprocity is a productive, healthy guideline; so, let's devise and achieve the needful in a socially organic manner to "Meet the Minimum Needs of All",(MMNA), and benefit from the enhanced mental health, prior to pursuit of additional profit.
I am a professor of physics at a university, and I also have an interest in social psychology / social planning. As a boy growing up in India in the 1940s, I observed the implications of scarcity in the distribution of food and other resources. Some received little and that left me uneasy leading to a desire to strive to meet the minimum needs of others around me. Today, economic development has reduced scarcity while the uneven distribution leaves about half the global population in penury.
In the year 2002, I had the opportunity to share this concern 'on the poverty of many' with Quakers of New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM) of the Religious Society of Friends, that eventually led to a (NYYM) Minute on "Meet the Minimum Needs of All" in 2006, and work on MMNA continues...
The creation and utilization of the Internet over the past couple of decades has resulted in higher levels of global communication and interactive participation, creating expectations on global accountability, to drive the future; it places new responsibilities on those who govern and the governed.
This opportunity creates the hope that MMNA may be realized by 2030.
That said, I have published five research papers on human resource development, have negotiated contracts for a group, am in my second marriage, am blessed with two sons and their families, my wife, our daughter, extended family members and F/friends.