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Stanley Lucas is a specialist in political development projects. He has worked as a Senior Program Officer in Afghanistan and the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Lucas is currently the Executive Director for for the Washington Democracy Project. He is living in political exile in Washington D.C.
Stanley Lucas est un specialiste des projets de developpement politique. Il a travaille en Afghanistan, le Moyen Orient, l'Afrique et l'Amerique Latine. Lucas est actuellement le Directeur Executif du Washington Democracy Project, 202-256-6026. Il vit comme exile politique a Washington D.C.
Thursday, January 6, 2011 Haiti Pre- and Post-Electoral Updates by Stanley Lucas SHARE
The following are links to pre and post-electoral updates detailing how President Preval executed the electoral coup by manipulating the technical and political process and how he is leveraging the OAS, MINUSTAH, Brazil, and other members of the international community to legitimate fraudulent results in order to prop him up and overcome the revolt of the Haitian people.