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Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper called the Southwest Free Press, an alternative news source dedicated to truth and Constitutional law, and educating our people in true health, personal freedom, personal responsibility in maintaining freedom, and resisting tyranny and lawlessness on every level. The education of Americans in the Constitution and laws for freedom and preservation of rights is key to taking our country and counties back!
(1 comments)Sunday, January 4, 2009 We must take on corrupt government SHARE
Simple action you can take to find out about the IRS and Federal Reserve's fraud against the American people.
(2 comments)Tuesday, December 23, 2008 America: First Blessings, and now Curses! SHARE
What is it about humanity that we continually make the same mistakes, presume the same facts, and follow the same path to the same end as all other nations and people's in history? Is there some common denominator that passes through history, attaching itself to all people and people's actions? Can it be quantified and labeled? Is it definable?
(5 comments)Thursday, February 7, 2008 Americans Coasting to Destruction SHARE
Our founding fathers gave everything they had to bring this country into existence, however, most Americans today are coasting along on their efforts and that of others fighting for freedom today.