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Egberto Willies

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Egberto WilliesEgberto Willies is a political activist, author, political blogger, radio show host, business owner, software developer, web designer, and mechanical engineer in Kingwood, TX. Visit his podcast here. Egberto is an ardent Liberal that believes tolerance is essential. His favorite phrase is "political involvement should be a requirement for citizenship". He believes that we must get away from the current policies that reward those who simply move money/capital and produce nothing tangible for our society. If a change in policy does not occur, America will be no different than many oligarchic societies where a few are able to accumulate wealth while the rest are left out because it is mathematically impossible to catch up.

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OpEd News Member for 488 week(s) and 1 day(s)

411 Articles, 1 Quick Links, 56 Comments, 18 Diaries, 0 Polls

Public Diaries

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18 Diaries

From InText
       Thursday, January 31, 2019
Outlaw ability to become Billionaire & Roy Cohen on GOP Racist Facebook Post
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We discuss why it is impossible for anyone to become a billionaire fairly. Jewish Texan Roy Cohen tackles Texas GOP's racist Facebook post.
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(2 comments)        Thursday, January 31, 2019
Billionaires running for president are not self-made. They are parasites.
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Why are so many billionaires interested in the Presidency? They want to protect their loot. Tamara Shealey talks women running for President.
From InText
       Thursday, January 31, 2019
Progressives can only succeed if they move left in spite of the Establishment
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Progressives were the drivers of the Blue Wave. We cannot cede the left rail to the Centrists but bend the whole damn track to the left.
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(1 comments)        Thursday, January 31, 2019
The media attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is clearly directed for a reason
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The media attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is clearly directed for a reason
From InText
       Thursday, January 31, 2019
We have a national emergency. Its name is Donald Trump, a clear and present danger.
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While Politics Done Right discusses Donald Trump, we never center on him. Today, we will center on him for it is important to understand his pathology and destructiveness.
From InText
       Friday, January 25, 2019
Democrats need Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: What the hell Venezuela?
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Once again America is engaging in a country loaded with oil. It is clear the Venezuelans are just the pawns.
From InText
       Friday, January 25, 2019
Community Activist Dr. Dona Murphey talks the issues. Ocasio-Cortez, I've got your back.
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We are at an impasse in our country. We are at a tipping point between autocracy and true egalitarian democracy. Many believe the fight is between Trump and Democrats or Progressives.
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       Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Independent Progressive media must take the mic from Trump and talk a new economy
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Do you remember there were days during both the Obama and Bush administration when the name of the President went virtually unuttered?
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       Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Activism works: Neil Aquino played a part in the bluing of Texas
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One of the goals of Politics Done Right in 2019 is to feature many hardworking activists who are responsible for the Progressive victories throughout the country. I am fortunate to be in the largest county in the country where the Progressive activism and engagement made a huge difference.
Image From Diary, From Text
       Friday, January 18, 2019
Special guest John Pavlovitz discusses Trump & Evangelicals - Trump's going nowhere folks
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Pastor John Pavlovitz talks to us about Evangelicals' attachment to Donald Trump. Afterward, we talk about the media's Trump hyperventilation to nowhere.
       Friday, January 18, 2019
We can only move forward by removing the chains from our minds. Democratic Socialism is good.
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Americans have been indoctrinated into believing that anything with the word socialism is bad. They've allowed shallow and misleading narratives to color their perceptions. It is time to abandon the slave ship folks.
(1 comments)        Friday, January 18, 2019
The designing of an educational system to create unchained slaves of corporations
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The coercion of our economic system is hard to escape. Its infiltration into our educational system is the scariest of them all. It is subtle as it creates corporate slaves.
       Friday, January 18, 2019
Look in the mirror. We are guilty of America's school crisis. Teachers are the victims of ever greedy corporations.
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Until we realize that we are responsible for the American School Crisis, nothing will change. We have allowed billionaires and corporations to use our most precious resources as commodities, raw material.
       Friday, January 18, 2019
Martin Gurri: The Revolt of the Public followed by The Rich Screwing us all
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Martin Gurri, author of The Revolt of the Public, will discuss more than the revolt of the public.
From ImagesAttr
       Wednesday, October 19, 2016
MSNBC Host grills Trump Campaign Mgr. Kellyanne Conway fact checking in real time (VIDEO)
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Stephanie Ruhle presented the type of journalism that America needs, given the media's dereliction during coverage of the Republican & Democratic primaries.
From ImagesAttr
       Sunday, October 9, 2016
GOP Strategist says Clinton will be president and then excoriates the intellectual rot in his party
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GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt says what most Republicans are now thinking. He excoriates the 'intellectual rot' within the Republican Party.
Politics Done Right, From ImagesAttr
       Friday, January 8, 2016
Politics Done Right on KPFT - We must get real about guns, safety, open carry, and privilege
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My radio show on open carry and gun control
Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff, and Morris Pearl, From ImagesAttr
       Sunday, November 29, 2015
War, Economics, and Millionaires
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Interviews of Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff, and Morris Pearl and some extended commentary.


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