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Diane Gee is a writer, ranter, radio show host and scathing critic of the status quo. She is a Contributing Author at Cindy Sheehan's Soapblox, Senior Editor at The Greanville Post, and her own blog, The Wild Wild Left; as well as host of a Featured Blog Talk Radio show of the same name. Diane lives in Michigan with her 14 year old son and several dogs.
I have interviewed Noam Chomsky 4 times, Cindy Sheehan and Tangerine Bolin twice, Bill Ayers, Michale Parenti, Ward Churchill twice, Norm Finkelstein, Frances Fox Piven, Joe Bagent twice, Richard Gage - AIA, and most of the 3rd party candidates this last POTUS cycle.
"I'm a commie-pinko, socialist, non-anarchist, tree-hugging, dfh, activist, musician, writer and radio host who wants to save the World." ~ Diane