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David Watts

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I am a dull and simple lad Cannot tell water from champagne And I have never met the Queen And I wish I could have all that he has got

I Graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Economics from Colorado College in 1976. I never did anything with the Economics degree. After being a software engineer for an airline and programming in BAL/assembler language on an IBM 370 computer for 5 years, I was hired on as an airline pilot. I had had previous flying experience including flying DC-8s for Egypt Air. I lived in Cairo for 6 months at the time. One of the highlights of my time in Cairo was a Grateful Dead concert in 1978 with the stage being set right next to the Sphinx with soft lights softly lighting it up. In the background were the pyramids that were nicely lit up as well. The concert was really special, in part because overhead, a total lunar eclipse took place from start to finish . There are videos online. Just search on "Grateful Dead Cairo." Look at "Images" to see photos of the eclipse.

I have thousands of hours flying all of the Boeings from the B737 through the B747-400. That includes both the B757 and the B767, the planes they say were involved in the false flag attacks on 9/11.

I went on medical leave in 2007 for depression and never got back to flying again. After being put on a number of different SSRI antidepressants that did little to nothing, I was put on Adderall; the best antidepressant for me by far. My depression is long gone.

So here I sit with lyrics and music from a Kinks' song playing in my head, "I Wish I Could be Like David Watts." :)

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