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Andreas Umland, CertTransl (Leipzig), MA (Stanford), MPhil (Oxford), DipPolSci, DrPhil (FU Berlin), PhD (Cambridge).
Visiting fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution in 1997-99, and Harvard's Weatherhead Center in 2001-02. Bosch visiting lecturer at The Urals State University of Yekaterinburg in 1999-2001, and the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 2003/2005. In January-December 2004, Temporary Lecturer in Russian and East European studies at St. Antony's College Oxford. In 2005-2008, DAAD Lecturer at the Shevchenko University of Kyiv. In 2008-2010, Research Fellow at the Institute for Central and East European Studies at Eichstaett, Bavaria. Since 2010, DAAD Senior Lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
General Editor of the book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society" (http://www.ibidem-verlag.de/spps.html), Co-Editor of the Russian webjournal "Forum for the Contemporary History and Ideas of Eastern Europe" (http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/forumruss.html), administrator of the web archive and mailing list "Russian Nationalism" (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/russian_nationalism/).