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Terrence Aym

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Once during a radio interview, Terrence Aym was asked what motivated him to write. He responded that he writes for two primary reasons: the first is to entertain and inform his readers; the second, writing gives him personal pleasure.

Aym tends towards a heterogeneous style. His goal's often to gather diverse elements or subjects and - using them like a catalyst - create a synergy between them. He believes this approach offers the reader a stimulating new perspective on both older news and breaking news.

Aym has been a guest on US radio stations as well as the featured guest on a premier South African radio show. His articles have been discussed on television and debated on nationwide radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM.

The news media has also discussed and debated Aym's articles and ideas. Some that have featured articles about Aym and his writing include ABC News, TIME, Business Insider, Smithsonian, Nature, Pravda, Salem-News.com, The Nation, Crunchgear.com and more.

Several of Aym's articles have been recently been re-published in foreign languages.

Recently, one of his articles made the syllabus of an LSU course.

Two articles that Aym wrote during the spring and summer of 2010 went viral around the world, caused heated debates on five continents, and were read by millions of people.

Currently, Aym has several book projects underway.

Some print publications Aym has written for include:

Personal Investing News Magazine
Individual Investor Magazine
Online Investor Magazine
Silicon Investor
The Los Angeles Sentinel, a daily newspaper

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© Copyright AYM Communications. 2010

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