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Tsara Shelton

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As the mother of four wonderful teenage boys Tsara spends a lot of time figuring out who she is so she can teach her sons to do the same. She also hears herself holler, "Stop Eating!" an awful lot! As her boys get older, she gets louder while sharing her beliefs and ideas. Again, as a way to comfortably ask them to do the same. Being the sister, daughter and mom of autism, much of what she has to say comes from what the challenges of living surrounded by so much difference taught her. Though her posts are rarely specifically about autism or parenting, they are always stories grown from the fertile and organic thinking soil that can be found where the two come together. Tsara is the author of the new book Spinning In Circles And Learning From Myself: A Collection of Stories that Slowly Grow Up.

Tsara Shelton is also a volunteer photo editor here on OEN. She had the honor of being interviewed on the Envision This! podcast, hosted by Burl Hall (a contributor to OEN) and his wife, Merry. Follow this link to listen: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/envision-this/2015/07/08/tsara-shelton--the-trials-and-triumphs-of-a-life-lived-on-the-edge-of-society


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