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Kevin Gosztola
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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com

OpEd News Member for 918 week(s) and 1 day(s)

723 Articles, 304 Quick Links, 1525 Comments, 84 Diaries, 13 Polls

13 Polls

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(75 comments)        Wednesday, December 29, 2010
What Would You Like to See OpEdNews Pay More Attention to in 2011?   SHARE More Sharing 2010 was year of ups and downs -- more downs than ups. OpEdNews worked to ensure coverage of most important topics and stories during the year, but, understandably, it didn't give enough coverage to some topics and stories. This poll asks you to help OpEdNews develop a guide for writers in the new year. Let OpEdNews know what you think there should be more coverage of or discussion on in 2011.
(4 comments)        Thursday, July 2, 2009
If You Haven't Visited Iran or Talked With Iranians, Should You Be Blogging Iran?   SHARE More Sharing Reese Ehrlich's article, "Iran and Leftist Confusion," urges introspection and reflection among bloggers who contend that the U.S. especially the CIA has been involved in what's happening in Iran.
(11 comments)        Thursday, November 27, 2008
To Shop or Not to Shop, That is the Question   SHARE More Sharing One of the busiest shopping days of the year is upon us. The day is coming in the midst of a massive financial meltdown that few Americans fully understand. They've heard the words "bailout" and "stimulus" but have many questions---questions which some in Congress may not even be able to answer themselves.
(36 comments)        Monday, November 17, 2008
Bail Out the Big Three Automakers?   SHARE More Sharing The Senate and the House will be deliberating and deciding whether or not to bail out the Big Three auto makers this week (Chrysler, Ford, GM). Here's what you should know when deciding whether or not to support a bailout. This is what you may not hear from network news or cable news.
(54 comments)        Saturday, November 8, 2008
Will You Speak Up or "Give Obama a Chance"?   SHARE More Sharing How long will it be before you question Obama's decisions or seek to influence him if he is slow to make the changes you wish to see. How will you organize and pressure to enact real change or will you choose to not organize and apply pressure at all?
(13 comments)        Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How can America recover from the financial crisis?   SHARE More Sharing Three prominent politicians (two of them presidential candidates) have plans for how to respond to the bailout. Neither suggest that they would support the Bush administration's or Paulson's proposal, which is being advanced in the halls of Congress right now (despite the fact that many details about the proposal are unknown).
(33 comments)        Friday, July 25, 2008
Who do you believe gave the most valuable testimony at the "impeachment" hearing today?   SHARE More Sharing The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Executive Power and the Bush Administration today. It was a result of a groundswell of support for impeachment in America.
(27 comments)        Friday, July 18, 2008
Should activist, citizen, and advocacy groups go to the DNC or RNC to protest?   SHARE More Sharing I believe this poll will help us have an important discussion and would greatly appreciate hearing from members of the OEN community and others on this.
(17 comments)        Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Should there be a massive anti-war march at the Democratic National Convention?   SHARE More Sharing Anti-war leaders do not know if they should have a mass march or little marches at the Democratic National Convention. Help them decide.
(5 comments)        Wednesday, July 2, 2008
What issue will Obama move to the center right on next?   SHARE More Sharing Obama's ever-increasing impulse to be on the center right of as many issues as possible could potentially be detrimental to progressives/liberals who think he is no match for McCain in November. Many are already calling his moves a sign that he suffers from a "character flaw." What issue will he move to the center right on next?
(6 comments)        Saturday, June 28, 2008
Our Nation's Independence Day   SHARE More Sharing What are you thinking about this year's Fourth of July?
(3 comments)        Friday, June 20, 2008
Which story will the corporate media choose to saturate their airwaves?   SHARE More Sharing Which news story will the corporate media choose to beat around? What does this continue to prove about our nation's media?
(12 comments)        Thursday, May 1, 2008
Who Would You Like to Vote for in November?   SHARE More Sharing Ballot access obstructionism, closed debates, and corporate media will essentially mean that the people's choice for president may not win. But before all that goes down and before the national conventions begin and end only to be followed by polarizing conversation, let's pretend November is here now. And let's pretend you can vote for any party and not just the two corporate war parties that reign over America.

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