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Attended college thanks to the generous state support of education in 1960's America. Earned a Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Illinois followed by post doctoral research positions at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Taught for several years at Lehigh University prior to a short stint at Bell Laboratories but followed by a much longer career at NEC punctuated by ten U.S. and international patents in the general area to semiconductor applications.
Now living in a comfortable Maine retirement community and focused on the prospect of upgrading democracy by means of an improved voting system.
(1 comments) Sunday, January 30, 2022 Balanced Voting: Another ViewSHARE
Today I launched a new series
of articles covering much the same ground as at this
series does.but the organization will be a bit different. The
presentation will be in generally longer articles that cover a
specific topic more thoroughly. Even if you have followed this
series from the beginning, it is quite possible that you will find
the new and different presentation helpful.
Series: Balanced Voting (2 Articles, 147129 views), Ranked Voting (1 Articles, 52869 views)
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Politics in the Post-Trump EraSHARE
I listen to current event and political podcasts quite a lot and recently I have started listening to the ones produced by Jacobin Magazine. These podcasts are usually thoughtful and fairly often on a topic that interests me. Still, they produce a number of shows, the episodes are often lengthy and it is hard to find the time to listen to all of them.
The current show in their program called The Dig I found to be a particularly thoughtful discussion of the situations that both the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States and if this is a topic that interests you then I would recommend it to you. Be warned that the discussion lasts for nearly two hours, however.
(1 comments) Tuesday, October 27, 2020 A Rand Study of Balanced Plurality VotingSHARE
Rand has reported on a study of likely outcomes in the 2000 elections to make a comparison between plurality voting and balanced plurality voting. In summary, voter participation improves with the balanced option and the margin of Biden's lead over Trump widens.
Series: Balanced Voting (2 Articles, 147129 views)
Friday, August 28, 2020 Decline of EmpireSHARE
This discussion between Chris Hedges and Richard Wolf, depressing though it may be, makes the observation that our democracy is an illusion in part because it is the forces of wealth that choose the only two candidates we are allowed to consider. The election is guaranteed to be either a Democrat or a Republican.
Not surprisingly, they failed to make the point that this is the reason we should transition to Balanced Approval Voting.
Thursday, March 29, 2018 Dirty Tricks that Corrupt our ElectionsSHARE
A lot of media attention today is focused on Russian involvement in corrupting our elections. Somehow, it almost seems that from the media's point of view it is not a problem if our elections are corrupted so long as it is not the Russians or presumably the Chinese, or likely a big handful of other nations who are doing it. But we should be concerned whoever is corrupting our elections - at least if you think democracy is an important value. This interview is more from this broader point of view; the Russians are not even mentioned. The problem is not the Russians, it is the corruption.
(2 comments) Wednesday, December 29, 2010 First Amendment MuseumSHARE
A First Amendment Museum is a distinct possibility in the future for Augusta Maine, thanks to a generous donation from a local publisher.
Friday, October 29, 2010 Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil, Akinori ItoSHARE
In an efficient and safe effort to save us from the ill-effects of plastic waste, Akinori Ito has developed a machine which converts plastic back into oil.
The machine, for both industrial and home uses, can easily transform a kilogram of plastic waste into a liter of oil, using about 1 kilowatt of electricity but without emitting CO2 in the process.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 The Death of the Liberal ClassSHARE
Chris Hedges gives a very powerful talk about the critical circumstances the country and the world is now in and he places much of the blame on the failure of the liberal class to resist what has happened.
(1 comments) Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Fox's Chief Legal Analyst: Bush and Cheney Should Have Been Indicted for "Torturing, for Spying, for Arresting Without WSHARE
Fox News' senior judicial analyst made some surprising remarks Saturday that may go against the grain at his conservative network.
In a interview with Ralph Nader on C-SPAN's Book TV to promote his book Lies the Government Told You, Judge Andrew Napolitano said that President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should have been indicted for "torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant."
(1 comments) Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Revealed: Rahm Emanuel Nixed DOJ Review of Political Prosecutions of Don Siegelman and Paul Minor , Brendan DeMelleSHARE
We now also know that President Obama's top legal advisers were ready and willing to review Paul Minor's case, that is until Rahm Emanuel put his foot down to unilaterally stop the White House from urging the Justice Department to review the case of Paul Minor and the others.
What ever happened to the independence of the Justice Department? Shouldn't Congress investigate this breach of the separation from the executive?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Liberalism is ... Evil, Gary HartSHARE
If you don't think liberalism is evil you probably know and believe what this article has to say ... and you will thoroughly enjoy reading it. You might even think that copies should be plastered on every convenient wall for everyone to read, particulary those who do believe that liberalism is evil.
Saturday, February 20, 2010 F.C.C. Opens an Inquiry for a Game Show on Fox, Edward WyattSHARE
The FCC is investigating a game show on FOX on suspicion that it is feeding answers to its guests.
While there is precedent for this from the 1950's, it is a bit ironic now given that U.S. law now makes it clear that FOX has the right to lie in its news programs, pursuant to an appellate court ruling in a suit by FOX against former employees, Jane Akre and her husband Steve Wilson.
(1 comments) Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Obama and House GOP Bring Question Time to USSHARE
David Corn makes the case that Obama should hold regular Q&A sessions like the one he held for the GOP recently. It's hard to think of any other precident he could set to help improve our political dialog.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Robert CramerSHARE
Has the Senate filibuster rule outlived its usefulness? Robert Cramer argues that it has and that it should be eliminated.
(1 comments) Wednesday, December 9, 2009 The Courage of Our ContradictionsSHARE
Last year's electoral sweep, to begin, was a victory for the Democratic Party, but not necessarily for liberalism. Self-described conservatives outnumber liberals by nearly two to one, and the liberal share of the population has risen only marginally, from 19 to 21 percent, during the past decade. And while 72 percent of Republicans consider themselves conservative, only 37 percent of Democrats consider themselves liberal, ver
Monday, July 20, 2009 Excusing Outrages of the Right By Robert ParrySHARE
Still burning up about the theft of the 2000 election?
Much of your anger should be directed at the mainstream right-wing media that played it down. And they continue to give radical-right wing opinion every benefit of every doubt, manufacturing doubt if none exists.
Saturday, July 4, 2009 Why Is Obama Staying in Afghanistan?SHARE
Probably most people who supported Obama are perplexed about why he is so intent not only on staying there but on expanding the effort. The reason we may not be hearing much from Obama on this is that the answer is complex and does not lend itself to our sound-bite news culture.
A foreign correspondent for McClatchy is given over an hour to explain and incidentally demonstrate what reporting used to be about.
(3 comments) Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Conservatives Throw Bush Under the BusSHARE
The Washington Times is a far-right (some would say loony-right) newspaper that never in the past would have criticized Bush or any other conservative. Why are they now calling for investigations and punishment?
Could it be that they are concerned that Bush's unpopularity will bring down the Republican Party and the Conservative movement?