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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, OpedNews, the Saker, RT, Global Research, and RINF, and the Greanville Post along with many other publications.
He has been cited and republished by various academic blogs including Defending History, Michael Hudson, SWEDHR, Counterpunch, the Justice Integrity Project, along with many others.
(5 comments) Friday, January 1, 2021 Cracking Dominion's Source Code - A National Security Threat Since 2003SHARE
Note that a user by the name of “Evildoer” was added. Evildoer performed various functions, including running reports to check his vote-rigging work, but only some of his activities showed up on the audit log
We were able to add and delete from the audit without leaving a trace. Going back into GEMS, we ran another audit log to see if Evildoer had been purged:
As you can see, the audit log appears pristine.
(7 comments) Friday, July 31, 2020 Obama's coup against Donald Trump and a terrorist plot against AmericaSHARE
Imagine the horror of progressive Democrats will feel knowing former US President Barrack Obama hired a complete Information Operation (IO) team to destroy their base. The IO team, initially comprised of over 40,000 foreign operators was hired through the State Department and let loose on dissenting Democratic Party members long before they set their sights on Donald Trump.
(1 comments) Tuesday, March 24, 2020 Donald Trump's Ukraine Server- How the FBI and ODNI hacked and influenced the American psycheSHARE
Found the DNC hackers- Evidence-Rock solid
Server, server, who has the Trump-Ukraine server? The answers won’t leave room for doubt on this question.The article examines ODNI and FBI criminality abetting the DNC hackers which affects us all.
Let’s start by solving the DNC hacks in a few paragraphs. If this isn’t the most conclusive evidence you’ve seen for the purpose of getting to the real hackers, don’t read any further afterward.
Friday, November 1, 2019 The Terrorists Among US11 Azov Battalion and American Congressional SupportSHARE
In a candid moment according to the planner who developed Ukraine’s Information Operations and propaganda machine, all of the support given was for nothing.
“Once Ukraine determined that the RF (Russian Federation) was not going to attack and Russia was not a credible threat, they launched their Anti-Terrorist Operations against the rebels (p 65).” Russia’s Hybrid War in Ukraine: Breaking the Enemy’s Ability to Resist Finnish Institute of International Studies by András Rácz
The obvious point is Azov battalion is a symptom of a much deeper problem in the US and Ukraine. Voting to allow funding or training to “volunteer” armies is funding Dimitro Yarosh and his ambitions.
Monday, April 24, 2017 Kiev Terrorists Named that Blew-Up Car of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)SHARE
The Luhansk People's Republic today named Ukrainian terrorists that blew-up an OSCE car with observers inside. A British citizen was killed in the attack. LPR investigators said that 500 to 700 meters from the explosion a "den of an organized Ukrainian sabotage group was found". The group is the so-called Ukrainian lozhka organized sabotage and intelligence group. According to the evidence found the subversive group consisted of three people: Major Goludzyak Sergey Vacheslavovich...
Ottawa, Canada. Most people think of Canada as a sleepy neighbor to America’s north, but in explosive court documents coming out of Kiev, a large number of corrupt Ukrainian officials are hiding proceeds there and in turn getting instant citizenship from corrupt Canadian officials.The Ukrainian Department of Justice has started extradition procedures against a former member of Congress, closely tied to ex Prime Minister Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk according to documents filed here and in Kiev, Ukraine.Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has asked Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov to initiate the expatriation procedure for MP Andriy Artemenko via the State Migration Service of Ukraine, Spokesperson of Prosecutor General Larysa Sarhan has reported.
Thursday, March 2, 2017 Congressman Calls for Every DNC Member Who Voted Against Ban on Lobbyists to ResignSHARE
On February 25, the DNC demonstrated how lost and hopeless the party is on two different fronts. In addition to voting for the establishment DNC chair candidate, former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, DNC members voted against re-enacting the ban against donations from corporate lobbyists that was put in place by President Barack Obama in 2008.
Thursday, March 2, 2017 Bernie Sanders Cannot Unify a Party That Disrespects Him and His SupportersSHARE
During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Bernie Sanders stated his frustration that the Democratic establishment has resisted all calls from progressives to reform.“We need a total transformation,” Sanders said. “We need to open up the party to working people, to young people and make it crystal clear that the Democratic Party is going to take on Wall Street, it’s going to take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, it’s going to take on corporate America that is shutting down plants in this country and moving our jobs abroad.”
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 TRUE RELIGION by GH EliasonSHARE
Article describing TRUE RELIGION that both the atheist and believer will see. An Argument to leaders against the perils of not teaching it.