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Dave Lindorff, winner of a 2019 "Izzy" Award for Outstanding Independent Journalism from the Park Center for Independent Media in Ithaca, is a founding member of the collectively-owned, journalist-run online newspaper www.thiscantbehappening.net. He is a columnist for Counterpunch, is author of several recent books ("This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy" and "Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal"). His latest book, coauthored with Barbara Olshanshky, is "The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office (St. Martin's Press, May 2006).
(6 comments) Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Why American Elites Want a New War -- Or at Least for Americans to Fear ONESHARE
The US, basically since he end of WWII, has been the principal purveyor of chaos and violence in th world, and today is no exception with the US primarily responsible for all four of the major crises that threaten war, and even nuclear war between nuclear powers or near-nuclear powers, writes Dave Lindorff in Salon.com...
(9 comments) Tuesday, July 27, 2021 Coastal Landfills are No Match for Rising SeasSHARE
As sea levels rise, the tens of thousands of dumps and landfills, some massive mountains of refuse and still growing in size, and others closed, unlined and forgotten, located near or at sea level along the US coasts have become a ticking environmental time bomb. When these dumps, which contain vast and unknown amounts of toxics as well as rotting trash that will suck oxygen from coastal wetland waters, are swamped by risinf gseas and attacked by storm surge waves, they will cause an ecological apocalypse. So why does the federal government have no plan to avoid this looming catastrophe?...
By Dave Lindorff
Thursday, July 9, 2020 Trump Praises and Adopts Prior Administration's Methods for Crushing Dissent, Turns Them on Police ProtestersSHARE
By Dave LIndorff
The US Constitution’s Bill of Rights makes it crystal clear in the First Amendment to the nation’s founding document, added in 1791, when it states: “Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
How, then, to explain what happened on June 1. On that day, President Donald Trump took a bizarre stroll out of the White House and across the little pocket park known as Lafayette Square (a traditional site for protests against everything from cruelty to animals to undeclared US wars on Third World nations) for a publicity photo shoot of him awkwardly holding a Bible in front of a boarded-up historic church...
This article appeared initially on RT.com
Thursday, July 2, 2020 Barr and Trump Apply the 'Occupy Model": Tear Gas and Clubs in Lafayette Square Were Just the BeginningSHARE
Dave Lindorff explains what the brutal police assaults on Occupy Movement encampments back in 2011, orchestrated by the Obama Department of Homeland Security, did to crush that movement in a matter of days in November -- something President Trump, in probably the only complimentary thing he has ever said regarding actions by his predecessor referred to as a "beautiful" thing. When Barr, on a conference call, told the nation's 50 governors on June 1, shortly after the assault he ordered at Trump's behest on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square outside the White House, that he would use the 'Occupy Model' to put down the current protests, he meant not just brutality, but treating the current protests, as Obama treated Occupy, as a terrorist movement.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 US Jobless Rate Broke Depression-Era Record - but Most Media Missed ItSHARE
By Davd Lindorff
When the BLS announced the April jobless rate of 14.7% last Friday, they included a long note saying that it was wrong. Their surveyors had incorrectly classified millions of workers who's said they were temporarily laid off as "employed." They said they true rate should have been 19.7%, but a BLS tradition of not correcting data once recorded meant they'd leave the number alone. Almost all the US media went along with that error or missed the note...
(2 comments) Saturday, March 7, 2020 Snakes and would-be leaders: Warren Quits her Identity-Politics Campaign as She Drags Sanders' Campaign Dow with HerSHARE
A long time Bernie Sanders supporter and activist journalist, Laurie Dobson, who is covering the Democratic Primary for ThisCantBeHappening! this year, says Elizabeth Warren has earned the snake emoji now identified with her on Twitter for betraying Sanders, the man who urged her to run against Clinton instead of him in 2016, saying she was putting personal ambition above support for progressive change in national politics.
(5 comments) Thursday, August 22, 2019 Terrorist Watch Lists Expanding Under TrumpSHARE
The use of “watch lists” to harass dissidents and journalists—as well as Muslims—appears to be growing, as the author discovered when he recently got caught in the net. By Dave Lindorff According to Ramzi Kassem, a professor at CUNY School of Law and founding director of CLEAR, a legal clinic that assists those caught up in the government’s Terrorist Watch List net, “The number of people on the No Fly and Selectee lists controlled to a large degree by the FBI appears to have grown significantly since 2014 [the last time there was a hearing about the lists in Congress]. This is because of the way these lists are compiled, with people being ‘nominated’ for even remote connection to people deemed of interest, and often with no real way to know who or what organization ‘nominated’ you and no reliable way to get off except through legal action...”
Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Meant to Scare Stalin more than Japan's LeadersSHARE
By Dave LindorffThe atom bombs dropped on Japan are typically presented to US school kids , and to Americans in general by government propaganda, as having been “necessary” to end the war quickly and to avoid American ground troops having to fight their way through the Japanese Japan. But later evidence – like frantic efforts made in vain by the Japanese government to surrender through the Swiss embassy, and later reports that Japan’s real concern was not the destruction of its cities, but rather fear that Soviet forces, victorious in Europe, would advancing on Japan from the north and into Japanese-occupied Korea – has undermined that US mythology.In fact, it would appear that President Truman and his war cabinet didn’t really want a Japanese surrender until the two bombs that the Manhattan Project had produced had been demonstrated on two Japanese cities...
Monday, August 5, 2019 The military's been lying about its spending decades: Dave Lindorff Discusses the Pentagon's Massive AccountingSHARE
In April, Dave Lindorff won an “Izzy” from the Park Center for Independent Media for a Nation cover story exposing how the Pentagon has been lying for decades about its spending, and how Congress, unable to do any oversight because of such epic fraud, still gives the Pentagon what it asks for each year, and more.In this interview on radio KMUD, he points out how insane it is that Americans aren’t up in arms over this outrage, when we know they'd be screaming if agencies like Health and Human Services, Labor, the EPA, Education or OSHA had failed an audit or committed the kind of fraud the Pentagon’s been committing for decades. Military spending, after all, accounts for 57% of all federal discretionary spending each year, while those other agencies combined represent just a small fraction of that amount…To hear this interview of DAVE LINDORFF, please go to ThisCantBeHappeing.net
(1 comments) Tuesday, March 26, 2019 The Boeing 737 Max 8 Scandal May Be the Tip of a Bloody Iceberg of CorruptionSHARE
Boeing's disaster-plagued new 737 Max 8 raises questions about the role of Pentagon Acting Sec. Patrick Shanahan, who before 2016 headed the commercial aircraft side of Boeing. Now he oversees all the Pentagon's contracting and is being investigated by the Pentagon's Inspector General, suspected of steering contracts to his old employer. Hear TCBH! journalist explain it all on this Sputnik Radio interview.
(1 comments) Saturday, February 23, 2019 6700-Name Petition Delivered to Philly DA Krasner Calling for Fair Appeal for MumiaSHARE
A Roots Action petition containing over 6700 names was hand-delivered to Philadelphia's new progressive DA Larry Krasner calling on him to reverse his decision to try and block noted Philadelphia prison journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal from re-appealing his early state appeals of several Post-Conviction Relief Act hearings before the state's Supreme Court. A local judge earlier ruled that those appeals had been corrupted by the refusal of one of the high court justices, Ron Castille, to recuse himself from the decision. Castile had, prior to joining the court, been Philadelphia's DA, where he supervised the legal battle against Mumia's appeals.
(1 comments) Saturday, December 1, 2018 The Pentagon's Epic Decades-Long Fraud: An Interview with Author Dave Lindorff on NPR's 'The Takeaway'SHARE
NPR's Amy Walter interviews Nation writer Dave Lindorff about his explosive Nation investigative report on how the Pentagon, for almost a generation has been producing annual quarterly and end-of-year financial statements for presentation to Congress which are so full of completely made up numbers that in the words of one former senior audit director for the Pentagon's own Office of Inspector General they are simply "garbage." Lindorff explains how this epic scam works, and how it has been deliberately used by the Pentagon to jack up its budgets year after year for no reason beyond enriching the nation's arms contractors and fattening the salaries and pensions of the military's top-heavy officer corps and civilian leadership.
(2 comments) Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Exclusive: The Pentagon's Massive Accounting Fraud ExposedSHARE
By Dave LindorffA Nation investigation into Pentagon accounting finds that the Defense Department has for decades been simply making up the numbers in its annual financial reports to Congress in an epic fraud that propels military spending ever higher.
(5 comments) Friday, October 26, 2018 Business as usual: US INF pullout will delight arms industry as it threatens to reignite Cold WarSHARE
By Dave Lindorff It's a story Russians all know: How the US has been threatening to attack and destroy them and their country for a century, seven and a half decades of that time by a first strike with atomic bombs. It's also a story most Americans are ignorant about -- the reality that it's the US that has been the belligerent party in the US-Russia conflict.
(6 comments) Saturday, July 21, 2018 Did Sanders open door for a new US socialist movement?SHARE
By Dave Lindorff Does Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's surprise primary win in Brooklyn, unseating a 10-term Democratic House member, is an earthquake in US politics that opens the door to socialism going mainstream in the US for the first time since the '30s, writes TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff.
Friday, April 6, 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King's Riverside Church address: 'Beyond Vietnam'SHARE
From the Stanford University's MLK Research Institute, this is the full text of the speech King gave on April 4, 1967, a year to the day before his assassination. Read it and understand why he was killed. His prophetic words warning of what would become of the US if it didn't halt it's vicious imperialist war on the Vietnamese people has come to pass. He was speaking a warning that those in power clearly never wanted spoken.You can also hear him in his own words here
(1 comments) Thursday, February 8, 2018 Nunes Memo Exposes the Danger Posed by the FBI and NSA and that the FISA 'Court' is a JokeSHARE
By Dave Lindorff
Days after the release of the so-called Nunes
memo the Democrats are insisting on the release of their memo, which might be
considered a minority rebuttal, but it’s time to take a look at the big
picture. What does this whole incident say about the FBI its long history of repressive and even unconstitutional behavior in American politics. Brian Becker and John Kiriakou,
hosts of the Sputnik Radio program "Loud and Clear," interview investigative reporter and ThisCantBeHappening.net founder Dave Lindorff and David Cobb, campaign
manager of the 2016 Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka presidential campaign.
(2 comments) Friday, November 24, 2017 American journalist Dave LIndorff gets an up-close-and-personal look at National Health Service care in the UKSHARE
By Dave LindorffOn a visit to the UK last summer, ThisCantBeHappening! journalist Dave Lindorff suffered acute shortness of breath and found himself spending five days in a National Health Service hospital in Oxford. He found the experience eye-opening because of the quality of care, efficiency, and lack of concern about picking his wallet. Nothing like our money-centered, class-based medical system in the States. Read his whole article in the London Review of Books.
(5 comments) Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Doping troops to keep them in combat: The Military's Drugging ProblemSHARE
By Dave Lindorff(image courtesy of High Times magazine)The U.S. military is drugging its own soldiers to keep them in the combat zone, with little regard for the consequences.Journalist Dave Lindorff, in an exclusive investigative report in High Times magazine, tells what's happening, and talks to returning troops about what was done to them and how they're coping now.
Series: Dave Lindorff's Quicklinks (2 Articles, 2527 views)