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Economist and retired UN staff, disillusioned equally with the corruption of economics as a profession and the impotence of the UN in preventing the supreme crime of war.
(13 comments) Sunday, June 7, 2020 The Controlled Demolition of America Is A Sight To BeholdSHARE
For almost four years, Trump has been destroying the US Empire externally. Trump-haters spent the same four years destroying the US from the inside! If we look past the (largely fictional) differences between the Republicrats and the Demolicans, we can see that they operate like a demolition tag-team of sorts and while they hate each other with a passion, they both contribute to bringing down both the Empire and the United States.
(4 comments) Thursday, April 23, 2020 The Fool and His Faithful: Boobus Americanus Disappears The World That WasSHARE
America is now economically, morally and intellectually bankrupt. The country has wandered so far from its founding principles that it is now no different from any of the other 200 nation-states that have spread across the face of the earth. The US no longer stands for anything; it’s now just another piece of geography. Forget about ‘America’. It no longer exists.
What made America different was its foundation on a philosophy of freedom. That word has been corrupted and leached of meaning. Economic bankruptcy is almost always preceded by moral bankruptcy. And it’s accompanied by intellectual bankruptcy: in this case, the philosophical acceptance of economic collectivism and political statism.
(3 comments) Wednesday, March 18, 2020 There is no Get Out of Jail for Free, But China is Making ProgressSHARE
As the world cowers, China glimpses the coronavirus aftermath. Restaurants are reopening, traffic and factories are stirring, and in one of the clearest signs yet that China is awakening from its coronavirus coma, the country's 'dancing aunties' are once again gathering in parks and squares. But this didn't come about for free.
(7 comments) Monday, January 6, 2020 Words Fail Me...SHARE
Alpha Male Trump doubles down on his catastrophic decision to assassinate Iran's Suleimani. Demands billions of dollars from Iraq for the American air base in response to Iraqi Parliament's call for the expulsion of all US military presence. Further threatens to hit Iraq with very big sanctions like "they have never seen before", sanctions that will "make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame."
(3 comments) Thursday, December 19, 2019 The Return of 'The Chink'...SHARE
The Chinese are the source of much of the technological innovations of the West's industrial revolution from the 18th to the 20th century. China has now overtaken the West in fourth industrial revolution technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, 5G, quantum physics and much, much more. The West is going to war against China once again. Because it challenges five centuries of Western intimidation of the world through war and violence. Because China has re-emerged after a 200-year hiatus to resume its rightful place at the vanguard of innovation and creativity. Whom should we fear? The pagan Chink who has given so much to the world or the holy Crusader who has taken away so much from it?
(3 comments) Saturday, August 24, 2019 Laugh Hysterically or Sob Uncontrollably? The Orange Wrecking Ball Goes Ballistic!SHARE
The delirious Trump roller coaster is nearing escape velocity. Millions welcomed the Swamp Drainer (mea culpa) for his promise to unsaddle the Masters of the Universe. He seemed to try in Year 1, with a wrecking ball. Come Year 2, a bunch of new Masters were in the saddle, with wrecker-in-chief as the rebel leader. It is Year 3 and his swings are scaling ballistic highs. A whole new full spectrum political, financial, economic, trade, sanctions and military tsunami of bluster and belligerence is pitting America against the whole world. Friend or foe doesn't matter. If you get in the way of the orange juggernaut, it’s curtains for you! A hugely entertaining spectacle for those not in his sights, yet. A cause for (homi/sui)cidal desperation in others, am sure. Whichever way it ends, this tale will be told and retold by generations to come. Be careful what you wish for...
(10 comments) Monday, June 3, 2019 To Be or Not to Be? The Peasants' RevoltSHARE
Britain isn't the only one asking this. Resentment is rising against the Western ruling elite. Secession calls are getting serious in Scotland, Catalonia, Transnistria, California, Texas, Vermont. Crimea and Donbass have left. France's Yellow Vests have taken to torches and pitchforks for six straight months. Revolt is in the air.The Brexit betrayal gives away the elite's game plan. Those imperialist, profiteering, warmongering, tax strangulating, snooping, lying, two-timing critters of the transatlantic Swamp. Stall, pretend, make up stories, blow dust in the eyes...grind people down till they give up. If that doesn't work, the mask comes off and the fangs come out -- as in Spain and France. How will it end? 'Gradually, then suddenly', Hemingway would have said. In a fizzle or fission? Take your pick. But read the article to know how it turned out 600 years ago in the same Britain.
(12 comments) Sunday, July 29, 2018 Insulting Whose Intelligence?SHARE
Charging Trump of treason for not standing by the US intelligence community at Helsinki is like lobbing Chinese firecrackers into
a mob fleeing a cinema fire. The tragicomedy is
breathtaking. If guilty, he would hardly confess to it on live TV to a
world audience. Unless he had his political asylum papers ready. If innocent, he would hardly endorse his tormentors. Unless he had his lunatic
asylum papers ready. Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. Dmitry Orlov takes
a power drill to what goes for intelligence in the US
intelligence community. It should resonate with those calling for
Trump’s head as they have been saying the same before he came along.
I said should, not would. Hate, like love, can be blind. Orlov is perhaps too
polite limiting his commentary to the intelligence community.
(22 comments) Wednesday, March 29, 2017 The Rise of The Mule: Donald Trump and the Crumbling American EmpireSHARE
In his sweeping Foundation trilogy, Isaac Asimov describes the unexpected shocking rise of the Mule, a mutant with prodigious mental powers. Upsetting meticulous centuries-old plans for the Foundation to succeed the collapsing Galactic Empire, The Mule overwhelms the Foundation's formidable forces in five short years to set up his own empire. He is eventually neutralized by a hidden Second Foundation with mental powers superior to his. Interestingly, the Mule travels around in the guise of a clown, Magnifico Giganticus. His deceptive antics mask his true capabilities. This second of a three-part essay compares Donald Trump to the Mule, the Foundation to the military-industrial complex and the Second Foundation to the Deep State. Part 1 is a background on Asimov's Foundation series. Part 3 predicts the inevitable fall of the American empire even if Trump is subdued like the Mule.
(37 comments) Thursday, March 9, 2017 Two Thousand-Eighty Four: RIP Big BrotherSHARE
Spooked out by the CIA’s trove of infernal hacking tools that can spy on every aspect of our lives? Devastated by the thought what else the NSA and clandestine agencies in other countries have? The ghost of Orwell is telling you to kiss goodbye to privacy, liberty, democracy and similar quaint 20th century ideas?Relax, we may still have the last laugh on Orwell. Unhackable communication networks using quantum mechanics are coming. China has already launched the world’s first ultra-secure quantum satellite. E-mails, short messages, phone calls, web surfing, online banking, social networking, etc., in a quantum network cannot be intercepted without instantly scrambling the information into useless bits and bytes. Here are some follow-up links to this technology of the future which is already upon us.click hereclick hereclick here
(18 comments) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 From Russia With Love: A Post-West Order in a Post-Fake EraSHARE
Ten years ago, Putin threw the gauntlet down on Pax Americana. A lot has transpired since. Just days ago, Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, signaled its end:"The historic era that could be called the post-Cold War order has come to an end.""This global model was pre-programmed for crisis...as an instrument for ensuring the growth of an elite club of countries and its domination over everyone else.""Leaders with a sense of responsibility must now make their choice...in favour of building a democratic and fair world order, a post-West world order...""...we’d be able to...overcome the post-truth period, to reject hysterical information wars and...keep up the honest work without being distracted by lies and falsehoods. Let this be a post-fake era.""It is said that wars start in people’s heads, but according to this logic, it is also in people’s heads that they should end."
(2 comments) Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Day of Reckoning? International Criminal Court to Prosecute US War CrimesSHARE
The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has reported US military forces and the CIA may be guilty of torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity and/or rape in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania and Lithuania between December 2002 and March 2008. A decision on a full-scale investigation in Afghanistan that could lead to war crimes charges is imminent.ICC is facing an existential crisis. Since its establishment in 2002, it has almost exclusively prosecuted individuals from Africa. Accusing it of being a tool of the West, South Africa, Burundi and Gambia have notified it of their withdrawal from membership. In the latest development, Russia has followed suit. The move against the US seems a token of appeasement. The chances of prosecution, let alone punishment, are slim. Nonetheless, it is a confession ICC is guilty of meting out white man's justice.
(7 comments) Sunday, November 13, 2016 I'm a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant: I voted for TrumpSHARE
Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal reporter and a co-founder of the Muslim Reform Movement. She migrated from India to the United States at the age of four in 1969. Against the furore over the anticipated impacts of a Trump presidency on immigrants, especially Muslims, Asra offers a different, confident, perspective that's worth noting.
(8 comments) Saturday, October 29, 2016 BREAKING NEWS: Queen Steps In, Revokes America's Independence With Immediate EffectSHARE
In a dramatic announcement today, the British Queen waded into America's political turmoil. Putting an end to the Lesser of the Evil choices rammed down the throats of Americans since JFK in 1963, she has unilaterally revoked the American Declaration of Independence with immediate effect. The authenticity of her notification is confirmed by reliable sources at the Buckingham Palace and the White House.With this latest development, the presidential election on November 8, 2016 is cancelled. Postal votes submitted till date are declared null and void. The rest of the American public is advised to stay home and await a Letter of Allegiance, which they are required to sign and submit to their new sovereign by that date.(Satire)
Friday, October 21, 2016 Losing the Consent of the Governed: American Democracy in its Death ThroesSHARE
America's ruling elite know they have lost the consent of the governed. There is no more pretense. The Deep State has blown its cover in a naked display of raw power to defend the status quo at any cost. Those who comprise it -- politicians, financiers, apparatchiks, media and deceitful intellectuals -- are flagrantly telling Americans not to delude themselves this is an election. It is a selection. Do as you are told.Indeed, Americans have never elected their president. They merely express their preference to an electoral college of 538 'electors' who are not obligated to vote the people's choice. This archaic system was devised 229 years ago. Planted in it was the seed of democracy's self-destruction whose time has come.
(5 comments) Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on WW III-- Syria conflict about Iran and IsraelSHARE
Recent Wikileaks releases show there was nothing spontaneous or peaceful about the Syrian uprising. The 5-year unfinished civil war has killed 500,000 Syrians and turned 12 million into refugees. It was hatched by Clinton and her advisors as a double tap sequel to the rape of Libya. To allay Israel's 'security concerns', a meme as notorious as the US 'national security' meme. Clinton's state department armed and imported Libyan mercenaries to ignite the Syrian civil war. It forged ISIS, Al Qaeda and assorted rebel groups into a proxy army against the Assad government. Clinton's advisors assumed Russia won't be a problem in their latest regime change operation (click here). They were dead wrong. Russia is making its stand against the empire in Syria. The US has two choices. Quit Syria or double down and set off a potential nuclear war with Russia. Clinton is doubling down.
(2 comments) Friday, December 12, 2014 Merkel Must Go?SHARE
Before the Ukraine crisis, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, was Europe's foremost leader, heading its most powerful economy, a voice of moderation, the only European statesman capable of defusing the Ukraine crisis.
Unfortunately, Merkel has been a disappointment. Her tepid reaction to widespread US-UK spying in Germany, her double standards in condoning American aggression while condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine, and her readiness to sacrifice Germany's economic interests on the altar of solidarity with the US-NATO alliance have baffled even her admirers.
In this video, Sahra Wagenknecht, Deputy Chair of Germany's Left Party, echoes rising German sentiment against Merkel in unusually strong terms, joining a growing list of prominent Germans. A regime change from within Germany might just be the catalyst Europe needs at this point to retrace its steps from Cold War II.
(4 comments) Saturday, September 27, 2014 The Lost Art of DiplomacySHARE
"The Roman Empire had no need for diplomacy. Nor does the United States. Diplomacy is perceived by an imperial power as a waste of time and prestige and a sign of weakness." (Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former UN Secretary-General). The rejection of diplomacy as the framework for relationships among nations has led to an international (dis)order of conflict and chaos. Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, is an old school diplomat, a vanishing breed. Calm and unflustered, with a wry sense of humor and the ability to call a spade a spade without being abrasive, Lavrov demonstrates the lost art of diplomacy as few can on the international stage today. This fascinating interview offers rare glimpses of the man and his mind. Western diplomats should envy him. If only the world had more Lavrovs...
Monday, September 1, 2014 (If) Russia (Really) Invades UkraineSHARE
For months now, Western mainstream media has been crying wolf over a Russian invasion of Ukraine. The latest occasion is the rebel counter-offensive in Southeastern Ukraine. For all the hysteria and teeth-gnashing, no evidence has been presented (as usual). If Russia really decided to invade Ukraine, one would not have to look for the evidence in a haystack of imagination. Read on...
(4 comments) Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Suffer Little Children To Come Unto Me...SHARE
An Israeli army officer who repeatedly shot a 13-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza dismissed a warning from another soldier that she was a child by saying he would have killed her even if she was three years old. Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.
Foxnews, 21 July 2014: US to send $47M in humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip...
Foxnews, 29 July 2014: Lawmakers scramble to approve $225M for Israel's Iron Dome...
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "The battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."