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Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media. Check out his platform at RobKall.com He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, OpEdNews.com more detailed bio: Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness and empowering them to take more control of their lives one person at a time was too slow, he founded Opednews.com-- which has been the top search result on Google for the terms liberal news and progressive opinion for several years. Rob began his Bottom-up Radio show, broadcast on WNJC 1360 AM to Metro Philly, also available on iTunes, covering the transition of our culture, business and world from predominantly Top-down (hierarchical, centralized, authoritarian, patriarchal, big) to bottom-up (egalitarian, local, interdependent, grassroots, archetypal feminine and small.) Recent long-term projects include a book, Bottom-up-- The Connection Revolution, debillionairizing the planet and the Psychopathy Defense and Optimization Project. Rob Kall's Bottom Up Radio Show: Over 400 podcasts are archived for downloading here, or can be accessed from iTunes. Or check out my Youtube Channel Rob Kall/OpEdNews Bottom Up YouTube video channel Rob was published regularly on the Huffingtonpost.com for several years. Rob is, with Opednews.com the first media winner of the Pillar Award for supporting Whistleblowers and the first amendment. To learn more about Rob and OpEdNews.com, check out A Voice For Truth - ROB KALL | OM Times Magazine and this article. For Rob's work in non-political realms mostly before 2000, see his C.V.. and here's an article on the Storycon Summit Meeting he founded and organized for eight years. Press coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table Talk Nation Radio interview by David Swanson: Rob Kall on Bottom-Up Governance June, 2017Here is a one hour radio interview where Rob was a guest- on Envision This, and here is the transcript.. To watch Rob having a lively conversation with John Conyers, then Chair of the House Judiciary committee, click here. Watch Rob speaking on Bottom up economics at the Occupy G8 Economic Summit, here. Follow Rob on Twitter & Facebook. His quotes are here Join the conversation: On facebook at Rob Kall's Bottom-up The Connection Revolution and at Google Groups listserve Bottom-up Top-down conversation
OpEd News Member for 1031 week(s) and 3 day(s) 2755 Articles, 5372 Quick Links, 7018 Comments, 527 Diaries, 3 Petitions, 132 Series, 106 Polls Series Listed By Popularity List Alphabetically
Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists (95 articles)
Born or bred, sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists are dangerous, hartful, evil predators without conscience or caring. Some hurt and kill, some hurt and steal or become violent and some are executives at major companies, religious leaders or politicians.
Bottom-up, Top-down (150 articles)
The world, cultures, technology and definitely businesses are transitioning from a predominantly top-down to bottom-up way of seeing, living, relating, working and being. Even our brains are changing. This article series explores all the ways and manifestations of top-down and bottom-up.
Interviews: Bottom-up and Top-down (84 articles)
Interviews exploring top-down and bottom-up aspects of culture, business, the digital world, relationships, anthropology, ecology, economics, hierarchy, connection, systems theory, patriarchy, centralization, trust, sharing, interdependence, domination
The No Billionaires, De-Billionairize the Planet Crusade (46 articles)
Billionaires are freaks, economic mutants that are extremely dangerous to democracy and the middle class. Some of us feel it is time to make it illegal and impossible to be a billionaire. I've also created a Facebook group to support the conversation about getting rid of billionaires, here
Police Gone Wild (19 articles)
as we enter deeper into a militarized police state, the police become more unaccountable and out of control.
Small is Better than Big; small acts, world, economics, lifestyles, solutions, activism (24 articles)
We live in a world where too big has become dangerous. This article series explores SMALL acts, economics, ways of doing business, lifestyles, etc. and discusses the problems with BIG
Bottom-up Promotion (18 articles)
Interviews, transcripts and articles with advice on how to tap the power of bottom-up to promote your brand, work, book, activism, cause, company or organization.
Lawrence Wilkerson Interviews and transcripts-- Blood in the streets, Predator Capitalism (6 articles)
multiple interviews with Lawrence Wilkerson-- audio and transcripts
Darcia Narvaez on the Neurobiology of Morality, Narcissism, Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Empathy, Connection (6 articles)
Social Media, internet, Web, Smart Phone (13 articles)
their effects on culture, tips, strategies, etc.
Trump Removal/ Impeachment (5 articles)
Trump will be removed by the Republican leadership either by ultimatum to Trump or by their voting for impeachment in the Senate, probably by ultimatum.
Take Back the Democratic Party and America (7 articles)
If you were a Bernie Sanders supporter-- one of the 14 million plus-- then you're probably pretty disgusted with the current Democratic Party, the DNC and the leadership. I certainly feel that the leadership and most of the current elected officials are bad, ie., worse than worthless, a danger to Democracy and the constituents they are supposed to represent.Fortunately, there's a lot that can be done if the people who supported Bernie Sanders get together and work to make change happen.This article series will explore the challenges, strategies and opportunities.
Changing the World (9 articles)
How do individuals and small groups stand up to massive wealth and power to make change happen?
Connection, Connectedness. Systems, Networks (8 articles)
Exploring aspects of connections, connectedness, systems, systems theory, networks and related topics.
Journalism, Investigative Journalism, FOIA Freedom Of Information Requests (6 articles)
exploring the work, the people, the processes, the issuesThe 'Golden Padlock' Award-- given to the govt agency guilty of the most egregious resistance to transparency and release of information to the public.
Trump/Republican Refusal To Acknowledge Biden Victory (4 articles)
Donald Trump is refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden as winner of the 2020 Presidential election. This article series explores considerations of the underlying considerations, motivations and goals.
Paul Craig Roberts Podcasts and 2 part transcript-- The Collapse of the Banking System, and After (3 articles)
Alan Grayson 2014 Interview: TPP, Corporate Psychopathy, Foreign Money In Elections, Electing More Progressives (5 articles)
Secrecy and Transparency (5 articles)
Secrecy is a tool the powerful use to cloak their actions, spending and connections. Transparency and government openness is the answer
Confessions of A Sociopath-- 2 Part interview with ME Thomas & Transcripts (3 articles)
M.E. Thomas is a pseudom for an attorney in her thirties. She reveals in her book that psychometric testing reveals she scored as a psychopath. I did over two hours of interviewing with her, broken into two parts. Her publicist told me I did her first radio interview, which might indicate she hadn't had much experience in masking her less attractive aspects. Listen or read the transcript and decide.
Daniel Shaw: What is Narcissism, Victim Process, How it Develops, Cults, Tea Party, Bush, Clinton… (2 articles)
Thomas Drake, Whistleblower-- 2014 Interview and transcript (4 articles)
Thomas Drake talks about NSA, 911, Benghazi, use of NSA data by US law enforcement-- without disclosure
Scott Lilienfeld, President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (4 articles)
podcast and three part transcript
Cui Bono? Who Benefits? (4 articles)
Often the best way to understand why things happen, why the system works the way it does, is to see who benefits. Cui Bono is latin for 'to whose benefit?'Wikipedia says, 'It is the key forensic question in legal and police investigation to find who has a motive for a crime.'it works well when looking at politics, corruption, influence, laws, injustice, media and more.
Ian Hughes Psychopaths, Narcissists, Disordered World (2 articles)
podcast and transcript part 1 and 2
Helena Norbert Hodge-- Answers to Globalizaiton, Economics of Happiness (4 articles)
a collection of interviews and transcripts
Interview: Sen. Bernie Sanders; On Privacy, NSA, Progressives, Public Banking, Whistleblowers, Decentralizing... 2013 (3 articles)
audio and the transcript.
Healthcare, Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Hospitals, Health Insurance, Medical (4 articles)
Robert Whitaker Author of Anatomy of an Epidemic; How Psychiatry Failed and Betrayed America, Killing 1000s; interviews and transcripts (3 articles)
My first interview with Whitaker was so stimulating I set up another one a month later to delve further into the important message of his book. This series includes both interviews and their transcripts.
Ellen Brown Spring 2013 Interview and transcripts (3 articles)
Podcast and two part interview with Public Banking expert, Ellen Brown
Howard Gardner and Katie Davis-- Are Phone Apps Creating an App Generation (3 articles)
Radio interview and two part interview transcript
Mary Pipher-- Being an Activist in Discouraging Times, In A Red State (3 articles)
podcast and transcript
Medea Benjamin: How to Interrupt a President-- Podcast and two part transcript (3 articles)
Tips on how to do what she does-- getting a message out while millions are watching
Gregg Levoy; Interviews and transcripts: Callings and Vital Signs-- the Nature and Nurture of Passion (3 articles)
A collection of podcasts and transcripts of interviews with Greg Levoy, as well as excerpts from his books.
Clinton Foundation Laundering Foreign Money: Podcast and Transcript (1 articles)
interview with investigative reporter Ken Silverstein
Christie Could Face RICO Charges-- Says Blagojevich Defense Attorney Sam Adam Jr.-- Radio Interview and Transcript" (1 articles)
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Interview and Transcripts (1 articles)
Audio interview and first and second part of transcript
Hacking dDOS Attacks Viruses Malware (1 articles)
Hacking, dDOS Attacks, Viruses, Malware, Bot armies
Daniel Shaw: What Is Narcissism, Victim Process, How It Develops, Cults-- Podcast and transcripts (1 articles)
Progressive Policy Engine Think Tanks (6 articles)
<p>Do not expect the Democratic party, it's leadership, its elected officials, and party apparatchiks to be able to effectively respond to Republican/rightwing strategies generated by rightwing policy engines/thinktanks. The left does not have anything comparable--only impotent&nbsp; left wing think tanks that do research. The left must envision, fund and create a Manhttn project built on a model similar to what the right has, and it will cost billions.&nbsp;</p>
Marjorie Kelly: Ownership Revolution: Transitioning from Extractive to Generative Economics (1 articles)
Holacracy-- the Non-Hierarchical, Bottom-up alternative to Management-- Discussing it with Creator Brian Robertson; Podcast and transcript (0 articles)
As Brian described, we went deep discussing the aspects and implication of Holocracy, a powerful manifestation of how the organization is transitioning from a top-down patriarchal, parent child model to one with distributed power, empowering ALL the employees. I see it is the leading edge of a movement that could change the way we think about leadership, about how government and organizations work.
rlene Goldbard: Art and Story As Activism, Awakener and Change Catalyst (0 articles)
podcast and transcript in two parts
Medea Benjamin; How To Interrupt a President (0 articles)
audio podcast interview and two part transcrip-- how to do it-- planning, strategy and execution
Opednews and Rob Kall Awarded Pillar Award for Supporting Whistleblowers and 1st Amendment Rights (0 articles)