Dennis Kucinich
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Why Doesn't the President Lead? The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria With PR Stunt on Manning, Pentagon Offers No Answers, Only Contrivance Kucinich: "Passing a weak bill today gives us weak environmental policy tomorrow"- Iraq: To Move Forward, We Must Look Back American Academy of Pediatricians Endorses Cell Phone Safety Legislation Firing America: The Federal Worker Purge and the Illusion of Efficiency Statement of Support for Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's Nomination to Director of National Intelligence Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking Kucinich's Last Speech on House Floor; A new America is waiting to emerge Congressman Dennis Kucinich Calls for Shutting Down NSA & Praise for Whistleblower Edward Snowden New Years Resolution for America Kucinich: Afghans want to be Saved from Us, Not by Us How the White House and the CIA Are Marketing a War in the YouTube Era Kucinich: Why I Voted NO Kucinich Building Support for the National Emergency Employment Defense Act; "Time to Get Real about Creating Jobs" International Policy: Its Relationship to the Domestic Economy A New Movement: Health Care as a Civil Right Dennis Kucinich Video of 2018 Announcement for Governor Crimes against humanity in Gaza: is it really a 'buffer zone' -- or a bigger plan? Must Read!!! Kucinich Commencement Speech: Power of Now Dennis Kucinich: War or Peace? - World Beyond War . . . "Green Light" to War on Russia, Legislation in Congress: Say No To War with Russia -- H. Res. 758 "Russian Aggression" Stand with SAG-AFTRA & WGA - Dennis Kucinich Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against Syria What Is Israel's End Game in Gaza? Here's How We Can Take a Couple Steps Back From the Brink More Washington Doublespeak on Social Security 10 Reasons to Oppose the War in Libya Saving Obamacare Is Not Enough -- We Need Medicare for All Our Political Economy Is Designed to Create Poverty and Inequality Stop Calling the Iraq War a "Mistake" Kucinich: Reclaiming the money power Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and What Happens Next? Kucinich Opposes Bailout, asks, "Is this the US Congress or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?" My experience dealing the Department of Defense regarding Pfc. Manning has been Kafkaesque The Kucinich Plan For Iraq Ten reasons to vote against the use of military force The Bailout and What's Next Healthcare: Change the Debate – Support a Real Public Option Kucinich: Made in America – War Dennis Kucinich: Timing of Attack In Syria So Close To Election Questioned Dennis Kucinich: Remembering 9/11 Congressional Committee Debates Drone Policy We are the United States of America, the greatest country on earth. We don't default. EQUITY, NOT "CASH FOR TRASH" IN BAILOUT Kucinich Announces Plan for Ownership Society Oily Apocalypse or Green Wave? The White House Now Conceals Plan to Cut Social Security Obama administration must account to Congress for targeted assassinations Kucinich: Made in America – War
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