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Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders is the independent U.S. Senator from Vermont. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history. He is a member of the Senate's Budget, Veterans, Environment, Energy, and H.E.L.P. (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) committees.

OpEd News Member for 921 week(s) and 6 day(s)

318 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 0 Comments, 2 Diaries, 1 Series, 0 Polls

Most Popular Articles in the Last 2 Weeks (by Page Views)

Sanders: Party platform still needs work

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The pandemic is helping the rich get even richer. It's time to tax their obscene wealth

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Bernie Sanders: Democrats Need to Wake Up

Senate Votes Down GMO Food Labeling Amendment By Large Margin

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Vermont Senate Votes to Overturn Citizens United

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How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key

At AFL-CIO Convention, Sanders Proposes Wealth Tax

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Why Medicare-for-All Is Good for Business

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Washington's Dangerous New Consensus on China

Banks have been ripping off Americans for too long. I have a plan to end it

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Why I will do all I can to elect Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders

Sanders Warns of Devastating Cuts in Social Security

A 10% cut to the US military budget would help support struggling Americans

We Will Create a Government That Represents the Working Class, Not Billionaires

The Harvest of Shame

Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump

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A New Progressive PAC

Senator Sanders Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

I Object

Withdrawing From Afghanistan Is a Courageous Step. Here's What Must Come Next.

I Support Hillary Clinton. So Should Everyone Who Voted for Me.

I am running

Democrats Must Fight to Defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Disappointed in Some Democrats

Bernie Sanders: Income and wealth inequality is in fact a moral and economic issue

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