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Former Senior Editor Opednews, retired criminal defense attorney, married, father, majors in Political Science and Political Philosophy, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Juris Doctorate with Honors. OpEd News Member for 987 week(s) and 1 day(s) 7 Articles, 33 Quick Links, 1232 Comments, 1 Diaries, 0 Polls
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![]() A Republican Dance of Treason? We know now that the very same day the world welcomed President Obama into office, a small group of powerful men, bent on his destruction, secretly met to design a plan to create economic and political chaos in America for the coming four years, solely for the purpose of regaining the House of Representatives in 2010, and the Presidency in 2012. Could this legally be considered a conspiracy to commit treason? ![]()
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![]() The Great White Backlash, The Dog Whistle, and a New Civil War Rhetoric from the reactionaries of the Republican base has reached a fevered pitch since President Obama was elected. Yet, they are intelligent enough to speak in code what they once said openly. The job of progressives is to point out that the racism of the KKK is no different than that of coded "dog whistles" used today, even though this may result in increased verbal conflict. The alternative is to go gently into the night. ![]()
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![]() Dead Men Only Vote Once: Right Wing Joker Proves Voter Fraud Nonexistent In his attempt to prove New Hampshire's failure to require voter identification by using recently deceased men's names to acquire ballots, James O'Keefe inadvertantly proved that voting fraud does not exist. Moreover, he may have violated his federal probation. ![]()
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![]() Hi Tech Spying Used by Libya, Egypt Almost Certainly Being Used On US Citizens Our government watches and listens to most everything we do, at least, to most every email, text, and electronic communication, and to every conversation we have by telephone or computer, and it knows where we are most of the time. If the idea of freedom contemplates privacy, then freedom is gone, and the idea that we are a free people is nothing more than illusion.
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![]() Busted! Memo Shows Boehner Aides Pitch Million Dollar Anti-OWS Attack Campaign to Bankers Speaker of the House John Boehner's former aides have turned high profile lobbyists and now urge bankers to hire them to smear the OWS movement before the Tea Party and the OWS movement realize they want the same thing.
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![]() The Greatest Show on Earth President Obama had many options to avoid the draconian cuts and the dangerous precedent he set in the negotiations and final result on the debt ceiling bill. However, because he previously committed at the Toronto G-20 Summit to an austerity program for the United States, he got exactly what he wanted out of the negotiations. Here is what he could have done. ![]()
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![]() THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES ABOUT THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES Republican arguments about taxes on the wealthy often withhold critical truths or distort the truth with subtle lies that even intelligent people may not notice due to the complexities of the tax code and the complicity of the mass media and even the Democratic Party. |