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CIA Veteran/Patriot Ray McGovern Represents The Real America

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi
"We also condemn in the strongest terms attacks on peaceful demonstrators, human rights activists, foreigners, and diplomats. Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are pillars of an open and inclusive society. It is especially in times of crisis that governments must demonstrate their adherence to these universal values." -Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking about the Egyptian government's violent reaction to peaceful protesters on February 3, 2011.
Hillary Clinton's words about the political crisis in Egypt that ended in the removal of its dictator last week do not apply to America, and its own emerging political crisis. What the American people face is not a stubborn 82 year old madman, but a situation much more dangerous - an unresponsive and criminal government that is led by conscienceless and self-serving politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who can lie at will.

When peaceful, regime-threatening protests take place in America, the hijacked government in Washington will respond not with Thomas Paine-like words that reaffirm the rights of man, but with martial law, mass arrests, tactics of intimidation, endless propaganda, new acts of terror, and violent crackdowns. The authorities in charge of the U.S. shadow terrorist state will respond to the demands of millions of people in the same manner that it responded to former CIA analyst Ray McGovern's silent act of protest in front of Hillary Clinton at George Washington University on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 - by beatings and arrests.

CIA veteran McGovern came face to face with America's police state when he protested Secretary of State Clinton. In an interview with OpEdNews editor Rob Kall, McGovern explained his reasoning behind his action:
"Hillary is the driving force, together with a few others, behind the wars in Afghanistan. She's one of the big hawks in Iran. When I look at her and her husband that they don't know the first thing about war. I do and so do my fellow Veterans for Peace. I have to make clear that we Veterans for Peace think that her policies are an abomination to the nation, that they are at cross purposes to the country and not everybody should applaud and give her the idea that she's doing the right thing."
Unlike Clinton and the rest of the human drones who publicly represent the U.S. shadow terrorist state, McGovern talks the talk and walks the walk. The idea that there is a real America, and a fake America is thrown around all the time but it actually applies in this case. McGovern stands for the real America, the America that is just, compassionate, and good, whereas Clinton stands for the fake America, the America that lies, kills innocent people, and beats citizens for expressing their god-given rights.

Hillary and Bill Clinton, Both Bushes, Obama, and Reagan have overseen the flourishing of the fake America and the death of the real America. But America is reaching a new stage, and these political puppets can no longer mask the true intentions of the police state and killing machine that is the fake America.

The biggest lie that the fake American government tells the American people and the world is that its dictatorial polices like the Patriot Act are meant to keep the country safe from terrorists. Tom Burghardt of the website "Antifascist Calling..." says in his article 'American Police State: FBI Abuses Reveals Contempt for Political Rights, Civil Liberties' that "in order to "keep us safe" unaccountable securocrats are constructing a Stasi-like political intelligence system that has overthrown the traditional legal concept of probable cause in favor of a regime rooted in fear and suspicion; one where innocent activities such as taking a photograph or attending an antiwar rally now serves as a pretext for opening a national security investigation."

The dangers that the fake America presents to the real America cannot be overstated. The America of Washington, Jefferson, Kennedy, and King is being destroyed. Freedom no longer exists in America, and what little freedom there was in the past was gained by blood and sacrifice. Burghardt writes:
The formidable police state apparatus that accompanies America's imperial adventures abroad are now deployed at home where they have devastating effects on an already dysfunctional democracy sliding ever-closer towards an authoritarian abyss.
But freedom is not lost. McGovern's brave act does not have to be rare. His courage and defiance should be an example to all of us. Imagine what would happen if 50 people stood silently with their backs turned during a speech given by Clinton or any other fraudulent political leader. The reason why McGovern was treated so brutally is because the scumbags in power are scared that McGovern's simple act of non-violent protest might be repeated by other patriots. They want the show to go on without any disruption. They don't want people like McGovern bearing silent witness, and exposing leaders like Clinton for what they are: liars and murderous hypocrites.

The truth is that Clinton, Obama and other leaders in Washington have turned their backs on the American people and the rights of mankind. McGovern simply returned the favor. Watch his interview with Alex Jones, and Democracy Now after the incident. On Democracy Now, McGovern explained why he stood up when everybody else was sitting as Clinton spoke:
"I was standing up in silent witness to the fact that Hillary Clinton is responsible or partly responsible for the countless thousands of Iraqis, Americans, Afghans, and God help us, Iranians--I hope not--and that she should not get the idea that everyone is going to sit down and applaud politely when there are so many of us that are usually excluded from these sessions who are feeling very, very sad and very angry at the foreign policy of our government."
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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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