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Challenging government crime using the Internet ...

William Finnerty
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by W Finnerty Sat Jul 21, 2012 15:10

In an effort to try and make it as difficult as I possibly can to prevent them from successfully covering up all the government crime I have been informing them about (in writing) during recent months, I also sent printed and signed copies of my July 19th 2012 e-mail to Dr Anne Jeffers and Dr James Reilly T.D. (Republic of Minister for Health) through the registered post to them last Thursday.

According to the Post Office Internet tracking system, both of the registered letters in question were successfully delivered yesterday (July 20th 2012).

Full Post Office details are available via the www locations provided at 1) and 2) below:

Dr Anne Jeffers (Consultant Psychiatrist):
1) http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ DrAnneJeffers /19July2012/Email.htm#Registered Letter1

Republic of Ireland Minister for Health Dr James Reilly TD:
2) http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ DrAnneJeffers /19July2012/Email.htm#Registered Letter2

Samples of how such information on government crime gets listed -- and, most importantly, tagged to their names by the larger Internet search engines -- can be seen at http:// tinyurl.com /bp8w759 (for Dr Anne Jeffers), and http:// tinyurl.com /cwxyw7d (for Dr James Reilly T.D.).


by W. Finnerty Sun Jul 22, 2012 09:47

"People need protection from government crime just as much as they do from all other forms of crime."

The text in the section below was sent (by me) this morning to a person who has an interest in bullying, and who recently asked me for some information relating to one of the lawyers involved in the ongoing, and growing, set of legal, medical, and financial difficulties I am at present experiencing.



Hogan & Company (our family law-firm since the 1930s), who Mr Greg Nolan (Solicitor) works for, have repeatedly refused to help me and my family in connection with the growing set of particular "government crime" type problems involved: which suddenly and unexpectedly began (for me) in mid 1998.

More information on the overall stance adapted by Hogan & Company -- whose Principal lawyer is John Glynn (Barrister) -- can be found via the following link: http://tinyurl.com/cr2l76m

The law-firms (and ALL of the many individual lawyers I have sought help from since 1998), like the several consultant psychiatrists I have sought help from, are not only 100% "SOFT" on government crime , they are powerfully supporting it: by surreptitious means, and with impunity ; and, which in turn means there are still no resources available (in practice), at the present time, for people in my kind of situation to peacefully and lawfully challenge ANY of those directly involved in all of this very shoddy and indeed grossly criminal " aiding and abetting " orgy of legal trickery: other than on the Internet that is; but, NOT in the courts of law (which is where they should be challenged in my opinion).

Needless to say, the police, who have been regularly kept fully updated on my long-running struggle against government crime, are also 100% "SOFT" on government crime, and also surreptitiously supporting this crucially important social problem: also with 100% impunity.

Small wonder perhaps that government crime (and bullying) is at present rapidly ballooning into such a huge social issue in so many parts of the world?

Most of the above mentioned social problems can be largely explained (in my opinion) by the fact that so many governments, in recent decades, have come so much under the control of the Money Power Psychopaths   (as I see them), plus the fact that the police and most of the consultant psychiatrists are on the "government payroll".

Worst of all though, is the fact that "Money Power Psychopaths" now appear to me to have control of the legal systems (including many judges via the judicial branches of the governments in question ) of several countries: which means (as I see things) that the legal professions involved are the central "keystone" propping up the seemingly impossible to demolish "Impunity Platform": which the whole "spider's web" of government corruption, crime and cover-ups is at present operating from.

"People need protection from government crime just as much as they do from all other forms of crime."

Many thanks for the interest you have shown.


PS. I regret my delay in replying to you.


Related Link:
http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/ bullyonline /


The above text is based on comments at the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:
http:// www.indymedia.ie /article/102060?comment_limit=0&condense_comments=false# comment291066


H uman R ights I reland: http://www. h uman r ights i reland.com/

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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