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Cultural Genocide & The Global Banking Cartel

William Finnerty
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>>> START of edited texts from e-mail sent to Chief Justice John L. Murray dated March 25th 2011 ...

On Wednesday March 2nd 2011, I deliberately passed the ancient heritage site in question and was pleased to see that no further digging appeared to have taken place: which, allowing for the information I had provided Police Sergeant Cronin (Republic of Ireland) with two days earlier, left me feeling that the site would now be safe from further damage."

However, when I visited the site this morning (March 25th 2011), I found that most of it has since been completely destroyed.

Partly because of fears that the revelations in the set of e-mails I have reproduced (at www address provided below) may result in further grossly corrupt attempts by the Garda Sà ochà ¡na (Republic of Ireland Police) to corruptly criminalise me, in circumstances whereby the entire legal profession -- with their uniquely breathtaking and unshakable mixture of arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity -- continue to completely, and corruptly, deny me legal representation of the kind which recognises the factual existence of all the huge amount of legislation based on the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, I am sending this e-mail to several members of the public: in the hope that it might somehow deter the police and other "individuals, public officials and bodies" from taking any more such highly damaging and unlawful criminal actions against me.

Since 1998, I have had three major attempts to criminalise me by grossly corrupt means, two of which came from the Republic of Ireland police, and one from the United Kingdom of Great Briton and Northern Ireland police (i.e. the PSNI): as a direct result of my ongoing efforts to expose all of the several treasonous forms of crime connected with unconstitutional legislation in the Republic of Ireland, and in the United States of America. So far, all three of the attempts in question have failed in their primary objective of criminalising me.

In a very rough and ready way, I estimate that Republic of Ireland President Mary McAleese, during her almost 14 years in office, has already signed her name to enough legal papers -- for the purpose of turning unconstitutional bills into unconstitutional laws (i.e. bogus and illegal "laws"), and many of which are highly supportive of the "Global Banking Cartel" and their PPP toll road projects -- to choke a dozen horses or more.

I drew a map of the area where the site was located (close to Carra Cross) for Sergeant Cronin, and pointed out to him that the site in question was one of the very few easily accessible remaining segments (approximately 250 yards in length at the time) of the set of Iron Age linear defence embankments surrounding the world famous Turoe Stone, which Father Tom O'Connor has written about in his book titled "Hand of History - Burden of Pseudo-History", and also on his web site at: http://www.handofhistory.com

<<< END of edited texts from e-mail dated March 25th 2011 to Justice John L. Murray.


The full text of the e-mail sent to Republic of Ireland Chief Justice John L. Murray on March 25th 2011 can be viewed at the following www location:

There is also a BACKUP COPY at:



"In the presence of Almighty God I, John L. Murray, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my knowledge and power execute the office of Chief Justice (or as the case may be) without fear or favour, affection or ill-will towards any man, and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws. May God direct and sustain me."


"Experience, however, soon showed in what way they (the legal profession) were to become the most dangerous ..."

Former United States of America President Thomas Jefferson


Cultural Genocide & The Global Banking Cartel ...

"Ireland played the central role in maintaining European culture when the dark ages settled on Europe in the fifth century: as Rome was sacked by Visigoths and its empire collapsed, Ireland became 'the isle of saints and scholars' that enabled the classical and religious heritage to be saved. In his compelling and entertaining narrative, Thomas Cahill tells the story of how Irish Celtic monks and scribes copied the manuscripts of both pagan and Christian writers, including Homer and Aristotle, while libraries on the continent were lost forever. Bringing the past and its characters to life, Cahill captures the sensibility of the unsung Irish who relaunched civilisation."

In ancient texts, the Celtic monks mentioned in the excerpt just above are often referred to by the Celtic language words "Ceile De", which (roughly translated) means "Partners of God"; and, the very distinctive design of the Celtic Cross closely associated with them is believed to be representative of the "new" at the time (around the mid 400s AD) set of spiritual beliefs which merged ancient Celtic beliefs with ancient Christian ones, and where the circle in the Celtic Cross represented the beliefs associated with the Celtic Sun God Lugh, and the cross represented the Christian beliefs. To this day, many church events in Ireland (and elsewhere) continue to strongly reflect the ancient "merger" in question, in that many of the Roman Catholic "Feast Days" for example, such as "All Saints Day", are held at the same times as the much older Celtic festivals were held: which, in this particular example, was the very important Celtic celebration of "Samhain".

Numerous place names all over Europe feature the word "Lugh" in various forms, including London: which is believed to derive from the words "Lugh Dun" meaning "The Fortress of Lugh" in the Celtic language, and which (ironically and by coincidence) was probably located in, or very close to, what is now known as "The City of London": arguably the world's best known, busiest, and most important banking and financial centre.

Ever wondered about why mistletoe is so closely associated with Christmas?

To the ancient Celts mistletoe was the "most sacred of the sacred": particularly the variety that had a preference for growing on oak trees. Mistletoe may have been symbolic to the ancient Celts of small clusters of people anchoring themselves fairly tightly around the powerful oak: where the the oak would almost certainly have been seen by them as a very beautiful and potent symbol of the great strength and power of the God of their particular understanding, at that particular period of human history.

In 336 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine officially replaced the then several thousands of years older festival known as "Saturnalia" (in the days of ancient Rome), with the festival of "Christmas".

Celts: The First Masters of Europe.

Cultural Genocide & The Global Banking Cartel


The "Hill of Tara": or was it the " Hill of Turoe " instead perhaps?

"At this period even the Chosen People were just emerging, yet Ireland was a settled Kingdom far advanced in the arts of civilized life. It was not until six hundred and twenty seven years later that Romulus founded Rome. One hundred and ninety years after the death of King Ollamh Fodhla Troy was captured."



On March 27th 2011 an e-mail containing a "rich text" version of the above information, which was sent primarily to the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet (and copied to several others), and which contained a number of www hyperlinks not available in "plain text", was placed at the following www location:



A list of closely related Open News Diary Entries by William Finnerty can be found at the following www location:


March 30th Update ...


The above information has been sent to several groups of people, including those on the lists at the following addresses:






March 31st Update ...


1) Excerpts from the Preamble to the Hague Convention:

"Being convinced that damage to cultural property belonging to any people whatsoever means damage to the cultural heritage of all mankind, since each people makes its contribution to the culture of the world;"

"Considering that the preservation of the cultural heritage is of great importance for all peoples of the world and that it is important that this heritage should receive international protection;"

"Being of the opinion that such protection cannot be effective unless both national and international measures have been taken to organize it in time of peace;"

The above three excerpts all come from the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property, agreed at The Hague on May 14th 1954. The full text can be viewed at: http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/FULL/400

2) Chief Justice John L. Murray, Justice Thomas Smyth, Dr Gerard Hogan, and the Constitutionality of our National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004): http://tinyurl.com/6zyvvlg

3) "Financial Genocide, Economic War, and The Hague Convention ..."

An e-mail containing the above information was sent to (among others) the Berlin, London, Madrid, and Paris offices of The European Council on Foreign Relations. A copy of the e-mail used can be viewed at the following www location: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ECFR/31March2011/Email.htm

BACKUP COPY at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/humanrightsireland/message/300


Human Rights Ireland


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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