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Government Usurpation of the Republic of Ireland's Constitution ....

William Finnerty
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The Tripartite Division of Powers of the Republic of Ireland Government ...

Using the words of Dublin based barrister and law-lecturer Brian Doolan (from his book titled "Principles of Irish Law", on Page 11 of the Fifth Edition), the core expectation of abiding by the tripartite separation of powers doctrine is that the "Abuse of power by (any) one (of the three main branches of government) can be checked by (any one or both of) the others, and tyranny, hopefully, is prevented".'
The excerpt immediately above is from:

"The Constitution of the Republic of Ireland, according to (former Chief Justice) O'Dalaigh CJ. re Haughey (1971), is founded on the doctrine of the tripartite division of powers of government (i.e. between the three main branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial)."

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
"Tripartite Division of Powers of Government, Human Rights Ireland, William Finnerty ..."
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So why is it, that for the past two decades or so (at least), in connection with a long string of exceptionally important social issues for "the people" of the Republic of Ireland, such as the "MULTI BILLION EUROS BANK BAILOUT" for example, ALL of the three main branches of the Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) have been ACTING AS ONE regarding the wholly UNLAWFUL practice of USURPING the Bunreacht na hEireann (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland) Article 6.1 SUPREME LAW RIGHT of "the people" to have the "final" say in deciding "all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good." ???

Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann reads (in full) as follows:

"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people , whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."

Related Email to Ban Ki-moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations) dated February 27th 2015:

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
GOVERNMENT USURPATION, Republic of Ireland, supported by legal profession, and by the police ..."




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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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