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Government is top employer in So. Calif, report reveals

Martin Hill
Message Martin Hill
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The most recent Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) from theSouthern California Association of Governments (SCAG) reveals that themajority of jobs for the top principal employers insix counties are government jobs.

In thesix southern California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Imperial, more than half of the top employers in those counties, on average, are government entities.

Table 13 on Page 96 of the 104 page document listsPrincipal Employers By County in theSCAG Region for 2008.

San Bernardino County tops the listof private employers with six out of ten of the top employers in the county being private; including Loma Linda University Medical Center, Stater Brothers Market,
United Parcel Service, Target Corporation, Barrett Business Services, and Wal-Mart Stores.

Eighteenof the 50 top employers for the6 counties were public school districts, along with one community college. one 'officeof education'and three University of California campuses, including UC Irvine, UC Riverside, and UCLA.

Target Corportationmakes the list of principal employers in three counties, including Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino, with Wal-Mart Stores making the list in only San Bernardino and Imperial Counties. San Bernardino County has Wal-Mart listed at number ten with 3218 employees, compared with Target Storeslisted asnumberfive, with 5031 employees

Disneyland is listed as the top principal employer in Orange County, with 13,211 employees (0.88%)followed by Boeing Company with 9973 (0.67%).

Ralphs Grocery Company made number 10 for L.A. County with 11,344 employees (0.28%). Pechanga Entertainment Center made number three on Riverside County list, with 4,325 employees (0.72%). United Parcel Servicerated number fouron San BernardinoCounty list with 5,304employees (.0.80%). Stater Brothers Market, which started in Yucaipa in 1936 and is oft touted asone of the fewgrocery chains that does not require customers to use a club card, made the list twice, as number three in San Bernardino County with 6,036 employees(0.91%) and tenth in Riverside County 2829 (0.47%). Barrett Business Servicesmade the list twice, number six in San Bernardino County and number eight in Ventura County. Home Depot was listed at number ten in Orange County with 4,531 employees (0.30%). Agricultural Imperial County, bordering Mexico the the south and Arizona to the east, lists J.L. Padilla & Son, EDCO Harvest and National Beef California in their top ten list of principal employers. Amgen, whose websitedescribes the company as a"biotechnology pioneer", tops the list of Ventura County employers, with 7163 employees (2.27%).Topping the list ofsixty employers with the greatest single number of employeesin all countieswas the Los Angeles Unified School District, with 97572 employees(2.38%). The STATE OF CA, whichis listed in five out the six counties as one of the topten principal employers, comprised 50,751 employees on the CAFR list.

Aside from the employer lists, The CAFR report noted that the total net assets for the Southern California Association of Governments was $3,848,973.00, up from from $3,165,194 in 2007.

The CAFR has beencharacterized asa conspiracy of sorts by some, with the Idaho Observer noting: "The data contained in CAFRs proves that the profit potential for corporate entities masquerading as governments increases based upon the volume of taxes levied, fines collected, properties stolen and the ability to pool those funds and grow them through expertly-managed modern investment strategies".

Alex Jonesof Infowars.com produceda programtitled CAFR EXPOSED, covering the topic.

SCAG Southern California Association of Governments Table 13 Principal Employers by County in theSCAG Region Current Year 2008
[See Page 96 of the report for fulllist of detailed numbers].

Los Angeles County
L.A. Unified School District
Los Angeles County
City of Los Angeles
State of CA
Target Corporation
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
Long Beach Unified School District
Ralphs Grocery Company

Orange County
County of Orange
State of CA
Garden Grove Unified School District
Santa Ana Unified School District
Target Corporation
Capistrano Unified School District
Home Depot

Riverside County
Corona-Norco Unified School District
Riverside Unified School District
Pechanga entertainment center
Moreno Valley Unified School District
Temecula Unified School District
State of CA
Desert Sands Unified School District
Target Corporation
Stater Brothers Market

San Bernardino County
State ofCA
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Stater Brothers Market
United Parcel Service
Target Corporation
Barrett Business Services
Fontana Unified School District
Chino Unified School District
Rialto Unified School District
Wal-mart Stores

Ventura County
Countrywide financial
Conejo Valley Unified School District
Blue Cross of California
Simi Valley Unified School District
Ventura Unified School District
Ventura County Community College
Barrett Business Services
Oxnard School District
Community Memorial Hospital

Imperial County
State of CA
Wal-mart Stores
Federal government
J.L. Padilla & Son
Calexico Unified School District
National Beef Californa
El Centro Regional Medical Center
Imperial Irrigation District
EDCO Harvest
Imperial County Office of Education

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Catholic paleo-libertarian from California., promotes limited government and civil liberties
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