moment the first explosions rocked Libya I knew that Barack Obama had
just locked down another four years in the White House. This was his
initiation, his right of passage, just like laying in a mock coffin and
sucking off upperclassmen in the Skull and Bones tomb. By definition
every U.S. President is a war criminal and our very own proud owner of
the Nobel Peace Prize finally has that most precious of things, a war
that he can claim as his own. Not that Afghanistan and Iraq which
continue to burn, bankrupt and morally pollute didn't qualify Obama for
the exalted title of war criminal in chief but they are really Bush's
wars, now the Pope of Hope has pissed his name into the snow. Of course
there is all of the happy horseshit about the international seal of
approval including that of the United Nations but ultimately is is more
war for a nation that remains to become weary of such bloody and
ultimately futile adventures. The national credit card was long ago
maxed out on wars of choice, the monstrous sword of Damocles that is the
national debt hangs over the heads of every American currently alive
and whomever happens to be born here over the next fifty years but there
is always more support for America's favorite pastime - killing brown
Eight years to the day after the abortion
that was George W. Bush dialed up the attack on Iraq Mr.Obama took time
off from his NCAA tournament bracket and green-lighted the attack on the
devil Col. Gadhafi who like the earlier version of the "New Hitler",
Saddam Hussein is killing his own people. Now there is change that you
can believe in! Never mind the blatant hypocrisy of not
launching a similar attack in support of those seeking 'democracy' in
Bahrain courtesy of our great friends in the House of Saud (the irony
that 15 of the alleged 19 September 11th 'hijackers came from Saudi
Arabia is lost on the American sheeple) seeking to preserve their
tyrannical and corrupt regime. Now that the warfare state has become the
preeminent power in America, only nosing out the genocidal Wall Street
speculators whose taste for rotting flesh that they can pick for their
daily sustenance and who right now are in an orgy of mania on the level
of hardened pederasts as they rut with each other in the commodities
pits placing futures bets on crude.
The D.J.I.A. (Dick Jammed In Ass) was up 178 points today despite the
lack of positive real economic news that benefits the ordinary
fucked-over schmuck who is now left to contemplate the coming of
five-dollar a gallon gasoline and has yet to get a handle on the
accompanying hyper-spike in food prices that will follow like a category
five blast of an economic hurricane after the initial tidal surge. In a
bit of news that I find both somewhat encouraging for a bizarre reason
and terrifying the first signs of violence and rage connected to double
digit food inflation manifested itself at a San Antonio, Texas area Taco
Bell where a customer named Ricardo Jones went batshit over a price hike
on his bag of Beefy Crunch Burritos and engaged in a potentially deadly
standoff with local police after he fired an assault rifle at police.
Such incidents are to be expected in a culture where gun violence is
revered but somehow it seems to be crossing a line when an extra 3.50
tacked onto a bag of burritos could lead to a Heat style shootout with the blue boys.
Think that Obama is going to save you from
the rapacious looter capitalist flesh-eaters? Think again, not only is
the Pope of Hope now a real live War President but he got the message
from the 2010 elections that anything other than boot-licking obedience
to the banksters, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce outsourcing pimps and the
rest of the corporate pigs will not be tolerated. Look for Obama to
assume the traditional position for commander in chief when it comes to
the finance oligarchs, assume the position of footstool and don't ever
think of f*cking with them again and they will be very kind to his
reelection campaign. Barry O. is assured of another term for his
willingness to have all of America take a haircut so that the Wall
Street casinos can have plenty of comp chips to gamble with. Not even
Wall Street and the Chamber are insane enough to tolerate even in
moments of amusement the possibility of a Sarah Palin presidency leaving
the rapidly fading star of the scumbaggers to embark on some sort of
world tour to pitch the virtues of entrenched American stupidity, gross
ignorance and xenophobia, today's stop will be in Israel where she will
do Wasilla style crack-ho style lapdances for Bibi Netanyahu who likely
only is going to spare the time wasted in bothering with her out of some
sense of honor among thieves and a gift to his most reliable
fifth-columnist William Kristol. Hell, Bibi entertained Fred f*cking
Thompson in the run-up to the 2007-2008 GOP primaries so maybe hosting
Palin is for sheer entertainment value, it has to be more exciting than
trying to converse with a cadaver like that marble-mouthed lug of a bad
The most disgusting thing of all regarding
Obama and his wars, both in terms of military ordnance dropped on
civilians and the ongoing war on civil liberties at home is just how
down with it all that the liberals are with it all. Liberals, especially
liberal Democrats LOVE war, as long as it can be wrapped up in some
sort of a self-righteous humanitarian guise.The Libyan adventure gives
them one that they can line up and salute for. It has been a long and
sad regression on the 'left' since Rahm Emanuel and the conniving
Democrats were able to successfully ostracize the anti-war movement back
in the run-up to the Pelosi-Reid majority in 2006. Not only was
impeachment of the Bushreich war criminals off the table but the law was
laid down that any such criticism of the wars was taboo. Afghanistan
was embraced by the Democrats as 'the good war' while the Iraq
debacle was chained to Bush's neck like an albatross. Cindy Sheehan was
excommunicated after she served her purpose to the corrupt and cynical
DLC/Corporatist Democrats, was b*tch-slapped
after they dared to question the motivations of the great General
Petraeus and the assemblage of sycophants and travelers the likes of
Ariana Huffington, Cyber Stalin Markos Moulitsas Zuniga and their ilk
all fell into line and for the sake of political (and lucrative career
enhancing) expedience all learned how to just stop worrying and love the
bomb. Obama was elected in a landslide, reneged on his implied promises
to close Guantanamo Bay, restore accountability and the rule of law and
draw the wars down and the useful idiots on the 'left' all got onboard.
Whether it was the silence over matters that would have in years past
had them screaming for Bush's head on a pike or a rethinking of antiwar
stances to now make supporting the obviously neocon ginned up Iran Green
Revolution or biting on the bait of Time Magazine's cover of the Afghan
woman with her nose cut off (see above picture) the once pacifist
'left' became apologists for Obama's murderous actions. Even Code Pink
renounced their principles and whored out to the war machine once their guy had the keys.
And today as the bombs and cruise missiles
continue to rain down on Libya there is more of the same sort of
fatheaded liberal apologists, whether it be the insipid Bill Press who
is on Sirius/XM morning drive time radio with the daily DNC talking
points or the windbag Juan Cole on Radio
the support for this latest filthy, anti-constitutional attack on a
country that didn't do one goddamned thing to threaten America was as
vomitous as it was definitive as to the true character of the state
worshipping hypocrites that they are. Chris Hedges pegged the liberals
dead on for the cheese-eaters that they have become, first in his savage
and dead bang diatribe Liberals are Useless and later on in his book The Death of the Liberal Class.
Hedges, who has come to be the moral voice of these most immoral and
diseased of times hits it spot on again in his recent piece Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand
that speaks to the abject failure of American liberal institutions as
they have been subverted with nary a whimper by a decades running
coordinated and now unstoppable fascist/militarist element juggernaut:
The liberal class is discovering what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. Let hate speech pollute the airways. Let corporations buy up your courts and state and federal legislative bodies. Let the Christian religion be manipulated by charlatans to demonize Muslims, gays and intellectuals, discredit science and become a source of personal enrichment. Let unions wither under corporate assault. Let social services and public education be stripped of funding. Let Wall Street loot the national treasury with impunity. Let sleazy con artists use lies and deception to carry out unethical sting operations on tottering liberal institutions, and you roll out the welcome mat for fascism.
The liberal
class has busied itself with the toothless pursuits of inclusiveness,
multiculturalism, identity politics and tolerance--a word Martin Luther
King never used--and forgotten about justice. It naively sought to
placate ideological and corporate forces bent on the destruction of the
democratic state. The liberal class, like the misguided democrats in the
former Yugoslavia or the hapless aristocrats in the Weimar Republic,
invited the wolf into the henhouse. The liberal class forgot that, as
Karl Popper wrote in "The Open Society and Its Enemies," "If we extend
unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not
prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the
intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with
Why is it that
there is never any money to find socially beneficial programs,
education, the rebuilding of a crumbling infrastructure, renewable
energy programs or anything that is useful to actual human beings in
America but there is always money for war? This speaks to a deep cancer
in our society, our precious green and camouflage clad "heroes' have
been glorified through movies, television shows, print media, toys and
video games that worship war. Ike knew what the hell he was taking about
when he warned of the rise of the Military Industrial Complex and the
accompanying costs to a society that at the time was filled with
wonderful capability, economic and scientific advantage and a gold
plated reputation coming out of World War II that was only beginning to
be tarnished by the rise of the CIA, the brutal public murder of
President Kennedy and the subsequent Vietnam War. Something went
terribly awry in America around the time of the JFK killing and the same
institutional elements behind that coup d'etat are still calling the
shots. All else is subservient to the agenda of the American war
As if any more confirmation that Obama was
just a lightweight version of Lyndon Baines Johnson without the social
programs was needed the attack on Libya makes any more argument on that
one moot. Mr. Obama was nowhere to be seen in Madison during the mass
protests that none of the corporate media deemed worthy of coverage,
choosing instead to focus on created news like a few dozen or so
geriatrics, losers and deluded and easily duped freaks flying Gadsen
flags and wearing those faggy Revolutionary War style wigs and tri-color
hats descending on town hall meetings to vent their frustration at the
mythical death panels that in real life reside inside insurance claims
departments. He will however be seen pimping his manhood over the
ongoing attacks on Libyan civilians. Hey, Bill Clinton bombed the sh*t
out of Belgrade and contributed to the starvation and misery of hundreds
of thousands of Iraqi children with his bombings and sanctions, cruelty
that his own Secretary of State Madeline Albright went on 60 Minutes to obscenely justify as acceptable.
I have to agree with Chris Hedges, Liberals
ARE Useless....take my word for it, I ran with the pack for long enough
before I was shunned as a leper for daring to say the obvious that if
it was wrong under Bush, then it is also wrong under Obama. But being
excommunicated from the world of the dueling cults of the jackass and
the elephant is just fine with me.
Meet the New Nazis, Same as the Old Nazis
The corporate media on Sunday sought to
play on both the gullibility, the emotions and the misplaced sense of
patriotism of the public when launching this bullshit biscuit into the
lemming feeding trough. Gadhafi said the strikes were a confrontation
between the Libyan people and "the new Nazis," and promised "a long-drawn war."
"You have proven to the world that you
are not civilized, that you are terrorists -- animals attacking a safe
nation that did nothing against you," Gadhafi said in a televised
The Colonel might just be onto something
there. The Homeland (formerly the USA) is currently engaged in an
endless series of wars of conquest, employs a blitzkrieg style of attack
strategy (shock and awe) in the initial attacks of target countries, is
currently engaging in a campaign of ruthless persecution of a religious
minority (the anti-Muslim hysteria), runs a gulag of secret prisons and
torture facilities, has a government that not only spies on ordinary
citizens but encourages them to spy on each other and rat out disloyal
or bad citizen type behavior, employs a kangaroo court justice system in
which ordinary citizens can be brought up on vague charges (terrorism)
or just disappeared (the stripping of Habeas Corpus) and disappeared.
All of this is facilitated by a pack of vicious thugs who worship state
power (teabaggers and Christian Zionists) and was set into motion by a
modern day Reichstag Fire (9/11). Then there is that magnificently
efficient system of state propaganda in the corporate media that Herr
Goebbels would have been proud of. In Der Heimat versus Hitler's Nazi
regime though at least the trains ran on time and the German
infrastructure was the advanced envy of the world, so much that
Eisenhower modeled the intrastate highway system after it. Today, in
2011 the roads are pocked with automobile chewing potholes and other
defective surfaces, the bridges are crumbling and even when the
government tries to do something to shore it up and look to the future
as in the national high-speed rail initiatives American Nazi apparatchik
in waiting like Florida Governor Rick Scott turns town the money in
order to nurture the hatred of his own personal S.A. the teabaggers.
Make no mistake, with the coming wave of hyperinflation and dollar
devaluation there is going to be plenty of opportunity for the real
goons to assert themselves after Obama's piss-warm and utterly feckless
regime which has failed to change anything falls and then the pogroms
will begin.
When taking into consideration the OSS/CIA (Wall Street's enforcement arm) post-WW II assimilation of thousands of Nazis,
including serious war criminals into the service of American finance
capitalism under the guise of waging the Cold War it's apparent that the
Third Reich didn't really lose the war, it just changed venues.
Just my two centsEE