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Nuclear Bomb Flight 253 The First Dot Islam is a Criminal Enterprise

Karen Fish
Message Karen Fish

You want to believe in God? Wonderful. You want to believe that there is only one God? O.K. You want to believe that the one God is Allah? Fine. You want to believe that Allah aka God of Mount Sinai carved the 10 commandments in stone himself 3,200 years ago? Excellent. You want to pray to and worship Allah? Fine. You want to believe in and follow the 10 commandments including "Don't Murder?" Fantastic. You want to obey the Koran? Come out with your hands up!

Every Bible Scholar knows that the Prophet Muhammad was illiterate; he couldn't read and he couldn't write. He had an assistant. Every Bible Scholar knows that the Koran was not written until 50 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

Imagine that there was a religion whose Bible stated, "God commands you to insert pins into the eyes of every first born black child. In return God will grant you eternal paradise, and 73 virgins." Go tell the judge at your trial for blinding babies that you were exercising your freedom of religion.

Woody Allen called politicians one step below child molesters. If your lawn has weeds and you mow your lawn the weeds will always come back. Unless you get down on your knees with your $2 weeder and dig out the roots of the weeds the weeds will always come back. On September 11, 2001 19 members of the religion of Islam knocked down the world trade center and flew into the Pentagon. This past Christmas day 1 member of the religion of Islam on Northwest Airlines flight 253 nearly blew up the plane over Detroit. The weed returned to American soil and the children of Islam are just warming up. They now have nuclear bombs in Pakistan and soon Iran. They also have missiles and suitcases in which to put their nuclear bombs.

Yesterday Barack Hussein Obama said that U.S. intelligence officials had sufficient information to uncover and disrupt the plan of Nigerian child of Islam Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab to blow up flight 253 over Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., but "they failed to connect the dots." The President, the son of a Muslim father and non practising Christian mother, who went to school in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country, indignantly blamed the U.S. intelligence forces for the attack on the United States.

On his desk in the Oval Office President Harry Truman had a sign that said "The buck stops here!" The 9th commandment carved in stone by God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah is "Thou shalt not bear false witness." On Tuesday September 1, 2009 President Barack Obama hosted a dinner at the White House celebrating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. President Obama stood in front of the white marble fireplace and told his guests that "Islam is a Great Religion" and the President praised "Islam's commitment to justice and progress."

One would think that a person with a Muslim father, educated in a Muslim country, a law professor, at war with an ever expanding number of Muslim countries, would at least know a tiny bit about the religion of Islam. The President of the United States of America took the root of the weed of world wide Muslim violence against non Muslims and not only swept it under the rug, but planted it in the Rose Garden.

The time has come to educate the people with the truth; lies don't seem to be working too well. Justice means that a person receives a reward or penalty as deserved; fairness; righteous. Would it be just if the Flight 253 bomber had exploded a suitcase nuclear bomb over Detroit? The President is running around the world like a chicken with his head cut off trying to stamp out Islamic violence while all the while the root of the weed of Islamic violence is right in front of his nose: Islam and the plain clear meaning of the words of the Koran and Hadith.

Islam is not a "Great Religion dedicated to Justice". Islam is a world wide criminal enterprise that is killing American boys and girls across the world every single day and bankrupting the U.S. treasury. Why stop at calling a criminal enterprise a "Great Religion dedicated to Justice?" Why not bail out the American mosques and give each Imam a billion dollar bonus?

On February 15, 2005 Judge Michael Chertoff was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, where he served for four years. Yesterday Secretary Chertoff said that the United States faced a great threat from home grown terrorists. Secretary Chertoff cited among other cases the five Americans arrested in Pakistan in December for planning to carry out terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Their lawyer said that the five were going to Afghanistan to engage in Jihad, and Jihad is justified under Islam. It was only a matter of time before violent Muslims used freedom of religion as their defense.

Islam does not justify Jihad, it commands it. Forewarned is forearmed. Every Western child must be educated beginning in grade one to the clear words of the Koran, as every Muslim child in the world is. Koran Sura (Chapter) 9:5, 29-30,111 says, "Allah says, kill those who join other Gods with God wherever ye shall find them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush, (nuclear suicide bombs). Make War upon the Christians and Jews! Do battle with them! On the path of Allah shall they fight, and slay, and be slain, and in return you shall have Paradise, the great bliss." Koran Sura 56 and Hadith promise Muslims eternal paradise with God, crystal clean water, 72 virgins and 180,000 servants each, for killing non Muslim men, women and children.

Islam, and these words in the Koran, are the first dot, the root, of the weed of world wide Muslim violence against the non Muslims in the world trade center, in the Pentagon and on Flight 253, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Gaza, Syria, etc. that our President showers with praise in front of the white marble fireplace in the White House as the faithful followers of Islam pack their nuclear bombs into suitcases and missiles headed for New York, and Detroit, and the Green Zone, because our President told us all that Islam was a Great Religion dedicated to Justice, instead of what it really is, a world wide criminal enterprise dedicated to our destruction. Let David Gregory ask our President, "Hey, Dot Man, have you ever read a Koran?", before it's too late.

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Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.

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